Weaver Scopes


Jun 12, 2002
I have several 36X weavers but have never had any other of the weaver scopes.Has anybody ever tried the V24 6 X 24 power with a heavy calibur
Wanted to pass along that I have a Weaver V-9, 50mm, which is the 3-9x. It has great low-light gathering ability and I shot my best group ever at 400 yards with my 7mm Remington Ultra magnum. Weaver may be a bit of a "sleeper" in the scope business.
I have a T-36 on my Savage 112BVSS .22-.250, a v-16 on my .223 Savage 110 and a, V-24 on my .300 encore. Love the scopes, and have never had a problem with them!
I'm going to try a V24 on a 300 WSM and see how it holds up. I have put two V3's on my daughters 22's. They have great eye relief for kids.
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