We don't need guns - ballpoint pens will work just fine.

I was reading some of the tweets about that last night. Something about lighting the string on a bloody tampon and throwing it at em was my favorite. (in regards to telling the attacker their menstruating)
Sounds like a good way to cut the Defense Budget. No training required if you've passed cursive writing. Pack'in heat in your pocket protector. Let's start with all Colorado Law Enforcement. I'll bet the Chinese are pizz'in their pants from laughing so hard.
He should put up or shut up. Lets see him demonstrate his idea. I bet he would change his mind real quick.
I just got mine, but it will probably be labeled an "assault Marker" and be banned in a few years.

Who the hell do these clowns think they are kidding? And they act like people will start crossfire's! Nobody mentions that people have been carrying concealed firearms for years and it has not resulted in deadly crossfires. I guess concealed carry and personal defense must be some radical new idea lightbulb that has not stopped thousands of incidents already. This kind of ignorance makes me want to gouge my eyes out with my "assault marker". :cool:


  • marker.jpg
    5.2 KB · Views: 143
"Does anyone have any long range pens they can post."

If you have a Federally Licensed Office Supply nearby that will take transfers from an individual I will be glad to ship you a box of pens!:D
"Does anyone have any long range pens they can post."

If you have a Federally Licensed Office Supply nearby that will take transfers from an individual I will be glad to ship you a box of pens!:D

Here is a current long range pen that is for sale on penbroker.com. You can see a comparison of the long range defense pen to a standard defense pen in the photo. I hope that is what you are looking for, and I hope there are no issues with purchasing such a weapon of utter destruction and having it delivered through your FLOS (Federally Licensed Office Supply).


  • pen.jpg
    5.7 KB · Views: 129
Here is a current long range pen that is for sale on penbroker.com. You can see a comparison of the long range defense pen to a standard defense pen in the photo. I hope that is what you are looking for, and I hope there are no issues with purchasing such a weapon of utter destruction and having it delivered through your FLOS (Federally Licensed Office Supply).

jkupper, any chance you still have any in supply? Living in a college town when this hysteria started resulted in shortage of both long range and standard "assault" pens
It seems that the distributers in the remaining free states still have assault pens available, but that may change because the federal government is currently trying to shove assault pen bans through congress. I suggest you get one while they are still available.
Here is a current long range pen that is for sale on penbroker.com. You can see a comparison of the long range defense pen to a standard defense pen in the photo. I hope that is what you are looking for, and I hope there are no issues with purchasing such a weapon of utter destruction and having it delivered through your FLOS (Federally Licensed Office Supply).

so, whats the bc of the that long range range pen and does the bc change with other color inks or are they the same?:Dgun)
so, whats the bc of the that long range range pen and does the bc change with other color inks or are they the same?:Dgun)

The Standard model is a .05mm caliber and has a BC of .325. The long range model is .07 caliber and has a BC of .500. There are other colors of pens for the discriminating stabber/resistor:D This is funny, but not. F--- Obama, Biden, Emmanuel, Salazar, Coumo, and any others that I forgot to mention!!!
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