Vortex Razor HD 5-20x50 Scope Reviews

Held one over the weekend. HUGE !! 35 mm tube is big. Glass looked really good, nice reticule. I liked the turrets and the clicks on the PST better. I really don't know what else to say but, buy three of the PST's instead of one Razor. And I say that with being a huge Vortex fan, I just don't see what you're getting for $2k versus the PST, besides that gigantic tube.
Thanks for the post, I will look at the Viper PST I can get the Razor for $1999 at Midway they didn't have the PST only the older Viper.
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I now have a hard time trusting scopes ability to hold a zero cause all of the scopes with me on a bumpy road lose the zero. (One was off by 1.9 mil!) These scopes are short of $1000 range.

What would make me very happy is to see a scope smash another scope to pieces (one of mine) and buy the scope that still holds the zero. Can the razor HD do that for me???
I don't know about the razor holding zero but if you really want a scope that will hold zero then I would go with either a Nightforce (any of them) or a Leupold FX3 6x42, this is a fixed rifle scope and the one scope that's held on my .340wby, after an IOR, Swaro and Burris would not hold. My next option was to go with the Nightforce but so far the Leupy has done a great job. Some people dont' care for fixed scopes but for my use it works great out to 800yds. If you need a variable then I'd go Nightforce all the way.
Just got mine from Liberty Optics I LOVE IT!!!!!!! tracks perfect out to 1000
great reticle big turrets I canot say enough about it will be getting another one
Held one over the weekend. HUGE !! 35 mm tube is big. Glass looked really good, nice reticule. I liked the turrets and the clicks on the PST better. I really don't know what else to say but, buy three of the PST's instead of one Razor. And I say that with being a huge Vortex fan, I just don't see what you're getting for $2k versus the PST, besides that gigantic tube.

The PST is a great scope, I have two of them and love using them. The Razor is my preferred scope over the PSTs though for several reasons. Main reason is glass quality, the HD lenses they put in these things are incredibly bright and clear with no distortion or fuziness at all when properly focused. Plus you get 125 MOA or 36 MRADs of internal adjustment, this will take you a long way out there even if you don't have a slanted base. The zero stop is another feature I prefer on the Razor over the PST. While the stop works good on the PST, the Razor stop is like hitting a brick wall--it stops in exactly the right spot everytime. And the reticle on the Razor (EBR2B MRAD) is excellent too, it has elevation holdover and windage aiming points if you dont have time to make the adjustments on your turrets.

It will take the recoil too, my shooting partner has been using one on a 338 Lapua with no issues. He has shot it both with a brake on and off to test the difference in recoil and he has noticed no shift in the POI after several hundred rounds.
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