US forest issues kill order for feral cows in New Mexico

My opinions on this are derived from 30 years and countless trips into the area. My last trip was in January. My only goal has been to keep the information as close to current/correct as possible.

This particular herd was in exceptional good condition. They had all the feed and water they needed within a 1/2 mile of the river and 30 miles of river to roam, plus 10,000s of additional acres of forest to use if feed got scarce. The cattle run on what used to be 3 allotments. There is not a rancher in NM with a Forest allotment that would not like to have this much acreage and permanent water to run the same number of cattle.

Cattle will be cattle and eat the easy feed first (river bottom) and then work up the ridges out of the river until monsoon season comes back.

Some cattle can be found several miles out of the river.

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