Tucker will make Liberal heads explode tomorrow !!

Yup my 401k has gone thru the roof the past 2 years, unemployed at record lows, inflation caused by insane public spending by the last 2 administrations is back to the target rate, gas is cheaper/ yeah it tells me a lot.
Who runs your 401k plan, because i want to sign with them. I just broke even this year after losing lots money while dumping piles in since trump left office. I can't believe you clowns are so brainwashed. One thing about it, dems stick together and are willing to go down with the ship....
Who runs your 401k plan, because i want to sign with them. I just broke even this year after losing lots money while dumping piles in since trump left office. I can't believe you clowns are so brainwashed. One thing about it, dems stick together and are willing to go down with the ship....
I'm not brainwashed or a democrat. Everyone's 401 has different investment options. For the most part it's up to the individual to decide where to put your money. When the covid hit I could see the hand writing on the wall. Since I was close to retirement I moved my money to safety and got back in close to the bottom. We can have a conversation about inflation and the true purchasing power of money but thats a different conversation. If you have lost 25% of the dollar value since 2020 you need to look at where your money is invested.
It's very imperfect for sure, but I'll take our democracy over any other form of government in the world right now. If ours wasn't the best, we wouldn't be having all these conversations about immigration, because people would be leaving here to immigrate to other countries. That hasn't been the case for hundreds of years and it's not the case now. Can't remember where I heard this quote but it's accurate in my opinion "our system of government sucks, but everyone else's sucks a whole lot more"
I bet if the Govt wasn't so corrupt offering all the freebies we wouldn't have all these guest either. And if the Govt wasn't involved so heavily in their countries they wouldn't be coming here again. Just because their leaving a chithole to come here. Doesn't make it the best. There are many reasons for this. As I stated a few. And let's not forget about the drug trafficking. I would really be curious to know the ACTUAL number on this one.
Trowe price runs my plan for my selected retirement date. Maybe i can just pretend to be an illegal and gets some free stuff, thats probably where i went wrong.
I'm sure everyone's 401 is a little different. If all you have is a retirement date fund that sucks. Most I have seen, mine included, have several index funds both stock and bonds and cash or company stock. You decide where the money goes. The administrator just handles the transactions. Where a lot of people screw up is they get scared when the market drops 20% so they sell. Then they wait too long to get back in. If they would have rode it out they would have been better off. When the markets are tanking and there is blood in the street is a time to buy not sell.
they estimate its in the trillions lost in 401k's. That being said a lot of people cant move there 401k depending on there employer. I leave it im young enough im not too worried about it right now. Point was economy is going in the toilet no matter what brandon tells you or cnn. Fox is bunch of wing nuts too.
I bet if the Govt wasn't so corrupt offering all the freebies we wouldn't have all these guest either. And if the Govt wasn't involved so heavily in their countries they wouldn't be coming here again. Just because their leaving a chithole to come here. Doesn't make it the best. There are many reasons for this. As I stated a few. And let's not forget about the drug trafficking. I would really be curious to know the ACTUAL number on this one.
Where is better though? And if there's somewhere way better as far as how their government works and the quality of life (including for guys like us 2a type rights) why wouldn't you try to move there or at least spend most of your time there? I know I would. If I thought the US was horrible and corrupt and New Zealand had it all figured out, I'd ditch this hell hole and move there.
As far as drug trafficking, don't even try to say that was any different under trump than Biden. Illegal Drugs have been readily available in this country for a very long time. In my 50 plus years on this planet, I've never heard of people having some cash for drugs and just not being able to find any. I actually think legalizing them would probably be the most effective thing at this point. Make them cheap and it will largely remove the crime problem associated with them.
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Where is better though? And if there's somewhere way better as far as how their government works and the quality of life (including for guys like us 2a type rights) why wouldn't you try to move there or at least spend most of your time there? I know I would. If I thought the US was horrible and corrupt and New Zealand had it all figured out, I'd ditch this hell hole and move there.
As far as drug trafficking, don't even try to say that was any different under trump than Biden. Illegal Drugs have been readily available in this country for a very long time. In my 50 plus years on this planet, I've never heard of people having some cash for drugs and just not being able to find any. I actually think legalizing them would probably be the most effective thing at this point. Make them cheap and it will largely remove the crime problem associated with them.
Lord Have Mercy on Us.
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I bet if the Govt wasn't so corrupt offering all the freebies we wouldn't have all these guest either. And if the Govt wasn't involved so heavily in their countries they wouldn't be coming here again. Just because their leaving a chithole to come here. Doesn't make it the best. There are many reasons for this. As I stated a few. And let's not forget about the drug trafficking. I would really be curious to know the ACTUAL number on this one.
take a look back in history, and you will see the correlation between American debt and welfare. It's no coincidence.
The USA trained people to take advantage of a well meaning yet hopeless program. And boy did they ever. We've been paying out the nose assisting in their exploitation ever since.
we pay them to make the problem worse.
Let that sink in…And then the people
harp about the USDA budget, because this waste is included under it. I am a farmer.
There should be another department created called, "keeping them on the plantation"
That is the very real proven result, regardless of how well meaning it was originally.
very few will venture out in search of opportunity when the bare minimum is provided, and a little side action will supplement, mostly illegal.
You can't at this point. The left is extremely crafty, they try, they lose, they learn, they try again and repeat until they get it figured out and get it passed. They know how to reach out to the independents and make it look like they're the good guy, to the younger generation full of new visions, this is appealing. I've seen it repeat itself on gun issues, environmental issues and now wildlife issues. My vote doesn't seem to count, I rarely win anymore
My retirement account has ran flat for the last 3 years, thank goodness for trump getting me up to where I was before 2008
In 2018-2019-2020 I was making more money in my 401k (Fidelity managed) every month than my salary as a Regional Director. Then the first quarter of 2021 my 401k tanked and lost 20-25%.
Even though I switched to an IRA and Fidelity moved the funds to due to the poor economy, I am still down over $150K since December 2020.
Hopefully this next election the "We the People" will wake up and put a new administration in to get the economy back on track. Close the Boarders, stop giving our hard earned taxes away to other nations and promoting/funding wars. The only people that have been making money are the politicians on both sides of the isle.

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