My first couple of CA's were pretty much a breeze, and felt they all were going to be like that. The third one was a bad one, but we got thru with a couple WIA's. It got to the point that I was down to about two belts, and we started looking for more weapons and even more ammo. But I felt the hand on my back calming me down. The First Sargent relieved the LT that led our six man team, and I think the Lord had something to do with that. Always felt he'd get me thru, and Top made sure he was there. I count 17 CA's, and Top says 23. My right hand man Randy claims 25. I started as the number two man with the hog, but after Top landed ontop me twice (he was a very big man); we switched places. Got down to a half belt once between all of us, and Top unbuttoned his shirt and pulled out another belt. I think a higher power put it there. Always felt better with Top and that hand on my shoulder. Top led the way, and a higher power shielded us.
They took us out of hell, but hell never left most of us