Well-Known Member
I have 1 new, never worn, 1250. MSRP is 210.00- Asking $165.00 shipped
- no bladder
I have 1, used this season on a hunt, 6000. MSRP is $420.00-asking $340 shipped.
- no bladder
- no bow/rifle holder.
* the only issue is that the right side hip strap cloth where it connects to the hip pad is damaged. The strap is fine but the material connected to the strap has torn. It doesn't affect the hip support or strap.
I used the 6000 to carry 5 days worth of gear and supplies, including a campbell camera into the back country. It was not full! It is actually a really nice pack especially for pack in hunt.
- no bladder
I have 1, used this season on a hunt, 6000. MSRP is $420.00-asking $340 shipped.
- no bladder
- no bow/rifle holder.
* the only issue is that the right side hip strap cloth where it connects to the hip pad is damaged. The strap is fine but the material connected to the strap has torn. It doesn't affect the hip support or strap.
I used the 6000 to carry 5 days worth of gear and supplies, including a campbell camera into the back country. It was not full! It is actually a really nice pack especially for pack in hunt.