Strickly groundhogs

Varmint Hunter

Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2001
Long Island, New York
I am planning on rebarreling one of my blueprinted 40X (short) action rifles. I want just the right cartridge for killing ground hogs at 1,000yds or so. You guys have got me thinking about a fast twist 6-284 or 6.5-284. I definately do not want to shoot 7mm or .308 bullets for hoggin'.

I recently sold the H-S Precision Tactical stock that was on the rifle so I will need a new stock also. I was thinking of either a McMillan Edge or maybe a Shehane laminated Tracker. Really undecided on the stock though.

What is your suggestion on cartridge and stock?

My Choice would be-- 6.5/284-- 30" barrel (Hart or Kreiger) 8 or 9 twist-- McMillen stock.

I have been using a 6.5/284 for a couple years for varmints and think it is an excellent choose with a 8 or 9 twist. I would talk to Bruce Baer about a stock.
I would go with a 6mm/06 AI with a 30" tube and a 8 twist.. Push the 105 A-max @ roughly 3400fps..

6.5 Bandit

[ 11-24-2003: Message edited by: 6.5 Bandit ]
VH--I'm fairly sure the EDGE stock is a super light stock designed for short range BR--not gonna work with a LR gun. If you want a laminated stock see bruce baer or richards microfit. For glass i'd stick with mcmillan MBR.

If you want to use a bipod id get a tactical mcmillan: A-2, A-3, A-5 or their prone stock.

id go 6mm ack or 6.5-284 for a little longer barrel life than the 6-284


[ 11-24-2003: Message edited by: jb1000br ]
For just plain "Dogging" the above 6.5X284 or 6.5X06 could fill the bill. However if just the lighter bullets are in store a 1:9 30 inch tube may serve the project better. That is if the Hornady Amaxs are choice. I've had sseveral 105 Amaxs blowup out out of 1:8 twist 6MM Rem @ 3200fps. Same loads
did OK when tried in another rifle with 1:9 barrel. Others milage may vary
Actually the long range target fellows are finding a twist somewhere in between say 1:8.5 to be the best of both worlds. They are available from Hart, Kreiger or PacNor maybe premium barrel makers. It also depends on barrel lenght somewhat. If your building a "carry" rifle you may prefer 26-28 inch tube. Then the 1:8 twist will assure the heavy bullets run true.
For target work some use 30 inch or longer barrels. When the actual 142 gr velocity can
exceed 3000 fps then the 1:9 can also run the heavy bullets and the lighter weights at
higher velocities will stay together way out there too. Note bullet stablity or instablity
usually does not show up in the first 100-200 yards. At 300-400 is where bullet flight is going well or the bullet may tumble and break up. So test long range to be sure. rjb
I allmost purchased Mr. Shaheen's Indian Summer stock; the one that was on the cover of "Precision shooting" (or what ever it is called now). It is beautiful. However as beautiful as it is it wound up being a little more than I could afford at the time. (To bed it correctly) But surely it has to be THE Finest looking stock I have ever seen. Though I am still in love with it's looks I am certain that it is set up to be comfortable to shoot as well.
My long range GH rig is a 264 Win. Mag. While it gets the job done, it's not perfect.

If I had it to do all over again (knowing what I know now), I'd go with the 6.5-284 or a 260 (AI maybe). The 140 grain 6.5's seem to get happy between 2900 and 3000 fps. Anything more than a 284 size case is a waste of powder. If brass supply has you worried, go 260 (or 260 AI). I don't think they'll stop making .308 cases anytime soon, do you????
My long range GH rig is a 264 Win. Mag. While it gets the job done, it's not perfect.

If I had it to do all over again (knowing what I know now), I'd go with the 6.5-284 or a 260 (AI maybe). The 140 grain 6.5's seem to get happy between 2900 and 3000 fps. Anything more than a 284 size case is a waste of powder. If brass supply has you worried, go 260 (or 260 AI). I don't think they'll stop making .308 cases anytime soon, do you????

SORRY FOR THE DOUBLE POST...DSL dropped and I hit the button twice.

[ 11-26-2003: Message edited by: Lee in OH ]
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