Starting my coyote rig! Duracoat Update!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2005
Fort Morgan, Colorado
I bought a stevens 200 in 22-250 for a truck rifle for $200.00 thinking it could bang around in the truck. Well it shot so well I decided to make it my full time coyote rifle. After reading about Duracoat and hating the look of the stevens rifle I decided to paint it. Well this is a work in progress and the duracoat will be here tomorrow so I decided to try texturing the stock with JB Weld. When I tried to texture the JB it just smoothed right back out. So after an initial panic (5 min jb weld) I remembered I had some black magic sand blasting sand. Needless to say I like the results better than what I was trying to do. I coated the JB in sand and let it dry and this is what I have to show for it.


I am going to paint the entire rifle including the Burris scope. I will update as I go
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The texture looks great! I bet that will work great.

I've been toying with the idea of spraying some Dura Coat. I'm anxious to see how it works out for you.


here's the updat after the duracoat!! I am very happy with it. Just be sure you sand blast the stock ALOT!! I had the first layer peel off beause it wasn't rough enough. My texture is perfect and seems very durable. Now I am going to sight it in and fine tune my sierra gameking load!!!


Just wanted to tell everyone the colors I used

desert beige
tigerstripe brown
matte black
flat clear with the fattening agent added

the overall finish is very flat and there is absolutly no glare in the sun!!! I strongly reccomend the flat clear with the flattening agent added to it for your final coat.
Nice Job

I don't normally like camoed rifles, but that looks pretty cool.

I had one of those tupperware stocks so I'm sure anything you did was an improvement.
My hunting buddy bought the same rifle. We put a Basix trigger in, and It shoots great so I know why you would want to keep it.

did you get one of there kit's with airbrush and the paint all in one ? really like the texture and color of it cool looking rig ! the stevens/savage are good shooters out of the box

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