South Africa against Israel

Weren't they also anti white SA not to long ago ? And possibly still are. But if I had a chance to see Africa. Especially hunt. I don't think it would stop me. You may just hunt different game when you get there. Or be the hunted. Now doesn't that sound like the hunt of a lifetime if you make it back ? lol In all fairness though I am sure there are some nice places to be over there. That doesn't get involved in the politics of things. And just try to make a honest living doing what they love.

They are still anti white
There is no need for "investigation." The DOD and State knows why. This is all diplomatic issues, again related to weak foreign policy. No one was taken hostage. This is just political non sense that you all eat up as literal. Specifically from Matt Gaetz who is in my opinion a ****** republican
So you are saying that there’s nothing to see over there, everything is fine?
DOD and the state department wouldn’t lie or try to hide a big screwup. I’m sorry but I don’t trust any 3 letter agencies to tell me the actual truth. And honestly I don’t know you so I don’t trust what you are saying either. No offense to you, I don’t trust anyone that I don’t know and only half that I do.
They are still anti white
Can you really blame them. It goes both ways. The whiteman really took the people there, and the Blackman didn't really do much to help themselves either.
I've been to Africa twice, and, and most of the country are really poor. Some of those country only educate into the third grade. It's private after that. So there a lot of push back and forth there.
So it's hard both sides. Europe is the most to be blamed for what happen their, as in much of the world.
Europeans are to blame for the only permanent buildings with roofs in South Africa and about 99.9% of the technological advancements also.

Not only are/were the locals incapable of such, they are trying fast as possible to unwind it all, unknowingly. Lost cause, sadly for all, in the end.

There are 17 different tribal languages spoken in SA, alone. So my H2A guys tell me.
That sums it up, for Me.
Europeans are to blame for the only permanent buildings with roofs in South Africa and about 99.9% of the technological advancements also.

Not only are/were the locals incapable of such, they are trying fast as possible to unwind it all, unknowingly. Lost cause, sadly for all, in the end.

There are 17 different tribal languages spoken in SA, alone. So my H2A guys tell me.
That sums it up, for Me.
You should look at what the europen countries that colonize Africa did. If you call that right and just, I would think again. That why the Memro Doc was created in the USA. The USA never setup colonies in any country.
The place is simply bizarre.
Selling your own into slavery, continuing to have large families when starvation is present, going down to the water’s edge in the same spot a croc snatched your sister yesterday, etc.
It’s definitely its own, in many ways.
I had a co worker that went on an excursion to see the wildlife and sightseeing in SA. I forget the town they had to drive through to get to the ranch but it looked like a war zone but once they got past that is was very beautiful. The ranch they stayed at was also very nice but well protected from both types of predators. JS