reloading setups


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2019
Oregon city, Oregon
I have never rolled my own but want to start. What is a good setup that wont break the bank?
I am a firm believer in buy once cry once and hate finding out I bought the kiddy version of a tool just to have to upgrade soon after. What is a well rounded setup that I will want to keep for many years?
Found this hollywood out back today.


  • hollywood 003.JPG
    hollywood 003.JPG
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You never mentioned what you want to load for but a good single stage press for starting out, especially for rifle cartridges is probably the way to go. RCBS rockchucker, Hornady lock-n-load, Redding Big Boss and Lyman Victory all make starter kits that will get you going. Opinions will vary but any one of these will get you started nicely. Quite probably the scales they come with will need replacing with a quality one but you will constantly find other items that you will want (not necessarily need, it's an addiction)
Favorite all time (factory production) is the old black Bonanza because best leverage for the price ($200). Reloading is addicting and you can very easily get carried away!

Bonanza is called something else now (hate when I try to think of the name of something and nothing happens) and they are orange, or red.
what to do, what to do! How deep is your wallet? Where will you set up your "man cave"? How many calibers? I use the classic cast from Lee and at fsreloading you can get Lee Precision Breech Lock Classic Cast Press Kit, wich is an awesome place to start. The case trimmer in it IMHO is not worth using, so, you will need a trimmer, a second scale (digital is my second), loading blocks (I have 3), a case cleaner and media separator ( I use Frankfort arsenal wet tumbler and their media separator ) also a caliper. You should have another manual the Lyman is a good 1. That will get you started. But, if you really want the cadalac go with the Forester coex press and forget every thing I just tapped
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