+1 to Broz .... it is supposed to have the same burn rate as it's parent powder, ie (IMR 7828 to IMR 7828SSC) but the shorter sticks are supposed to meter better. Use the same load data with an SSC powder as you would with it's non SSC parent powder.
The shorter kernels are supposed to allow you to pack more powder in the same space. So for say 7828/ 7828SSC you can use SSC to burn more powder if you cannot get enough regular 7828 in the case to develop maximum pressure. SSC allows higher loading densities.
....and it works awesome. It meters so nice and it works great in my 338 RUM. I had some trouble with regular 7828 and the long 265 LRX bullet getting seated where I wanted it. Once they came out with 7828 ssc, it made seating much easier and the gun became way more consistant. Not to mention, I gained some room in the case for a little more horsepower.