Pederson Precision


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2019
I can't say enough good about Matt. @PP guns He's built me a few rifles and always goes above and beyond. We had a few hiccups with my last build with parts (neither mine or his fault) but I just wanted to brag on this guy and show you a couple of builds he's done for me.
On top of being a dang good dude, I don't think his work can be topped, especially for the $$$. He is very thorough with everything from start to finish and he communicates through the whole process of the build. I highly recommend checking him out if you're in the market for a custom.
You wont be disappointed.

Top one is my 6.5 prc I received yesterday. Bottom is my 6mm creed he built me some months back. I couldn't be happier with either one.
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