Oh Wyoming....

Love the Wyoming snow and miss it. One of these days I will live back up there. Until then I will just have to go back as much as possible .
Good luck on the season ahead. Any new rifle /bullet combos you will be trying ?
Yup, this year I will be testing out the 270 grain Badlands Super Bulldozer monolithic tipped bullet in a .338 Norma mag. Has a G1 of .803, or a G7 of .407 vs. the 300 grain Berger with a G7 of .429, however I can get the 270 going about 200 fps faster than the 300 Berger. I have seen very little terminal performance reviews, so I will be testing them on everything from pronghorn to elk. I will also add to the number of animals taken with the 156 from my .260 AI, and my father with his .264 wm. Will be a fun season!! We just finished google earth scouting out a few new mule deer areas, and plan on checking them out on these coming days off.
Our elevation is just shy of 3800.

I drew Bull, Extra buck and Antelope. Wife drew antelope and son drew Bull and extra buck. That doesnt account for the OTC doe tags. Also killed a bear 3 weeks ago. Could't get a pic to upload for some reason.
Time to head to the range when I get back!
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