Active Member
thanks for having me and hope to have long and informative relationship here.
Welcome to the forum from Tennessee as well !thanks for having me and hope to have long and informative relationship here.
Welcome from Hawkins Countythanks for having me and hope to have long and informative relationship here.
Hope that you have a sense of Humor with some of us. We not only talk about Hunting/firearms, but also discuss life issues affecting all of us and some of us (me) joke around. Try to stay within the RULES of this Forum!thanks for having me and hope to have long and informative relationship here.
e. tn.Hey TN is a really scenic State. Has some of the highest Mts east of the Mississippi. 6,500' on some of the Smokies. I used to train on Mt LeConte and surrounding Mts to get ready for a Denali expedition. Slept in some chain link fence shelters for Bear protection and had wild hogs attack my tent when off the trail.
Sure that you should have some good hunting stories to share.
Watch out for Bill "338 dude" he is a Tennessean. But TN has three parts, which one are you from?
i have lotsa stories. some from ur part of the world. u must be close to Sheridan and the big horns.Welcome from North Central Wyoming! I hope you enjoy your time here, and share some stories and some wisdom!
The stories need not be factual…..we'll enjoy them nonetheless! Heck, I even question the validity of some of my stuff! memtb
Welcome from Montanathanks for having me and hope to have long and informative relationship here.