New from central valley Ca.


Mar 13, 2010
Hey all, top notch site you have here. Plenty of good info from what I have read.
I have been out of the shooting game since 2001. My boys were young and shooting required too much time (NRA Highpower and TAC Longrange) .
I just built an AR for my son (14) and a 7mm08 for me. We plan to shoot the longrange match up in Sacramento Ca, 200 to 1000 yard. with his AR he will be good to 600.

Sharp lookin rigs! Glad you found L/R/H. Theres a pile of folks here that shoot competitavely. F class guys, tacticle L/E guys, and others.
You found a great place here, Hope you like L/R/H as much as we do. Good luck to you and your son(s) in your upcomming match.gun)
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