Nc Star scopes,any opinions that arnt $ based?


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2007
Near Helena Montana
I scoped my 7mag with one of the new Nc Mark IIIs after having one of their other models on my CZ for quite a while.I have over 1000 rounds through the Cz without needing adjustment and now 250 rounds through the 7 that incude the tightest groups I have ever shot out of it.I am new to the turret scope world and this was in my opinion the best turret scope in my limited price range.Have any of you used their high power scopes?Is there somthing better with the same features in the same $ range?I have had problems with cheap scopes before,Tasco and Simmons but these two havent had a hiccup and Im about to quit holding my breath waiting from a problem to occour,I think they are going to work for what I do.

I have no experience with that particular brand of scope. My thoughts are that the only person that it has to please is you. A lot of people can do very well with lesser $ scopes. I have a Weaver tactical that is a better scope than the price suggests. My favorite scope is the SuperSniper ( I think its made by Tasco for SWFA - 16X for my style of LRH.

However, with your "eye" as observed from the quality of your photos, there may be things in the less expensive scopes that would begin to bug you after studying the upper end scopes??
I totally agree that the higher end glass has a better image,no doubt about it.If i could afford it I would probably go with the Leupold tactical scopes.

hi all, i wreckon, if you stay with budget scopes you wont spoil yourself with the high optics which will with out doubt be better and put a better impression on you yourself, so then you will not really see the quality in low end as your quality standards will be high as of using high end optics..if you get what i mean...i aint yet had a expensive scope to hunt with yes ive seen threw a few but aint had the chance to use them out on a trip to see the full advantage..i aint rich so ive had to stay at the bottom end but it dont bother me as i still get 95% of head shots so for me high end is not really needed..dont get me wrong id love a zeiss diavari but you can get good enough scopes at the bottom end that work perfect..ive had a tasco 10-40x50 many year now and its never let me i say i wreckon if your use to high end scopes itl be hard for you to respect a bottom end as your standards are really raised...ive been looking at these NC scopes are they any good??
Been doin just fine by me,Ill save my final opinion for next spring,after these 2 rifles have been through the wringer of hunting season and the spotlighting I do after.
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