Medical Billing Errors - WTHELLO

I do indeed know the difference.
But maybe I'm off base a bit on it like you are with the whole freedom idea.
Again keep avoiding the points I make about taking someone's money without permission.
You are so morally superior to me.
Oh wait never mind you are ok with stealing. So I guess we are equal.
I do indeed know the difference.
But maybe I'm off base a bit on it like you are with the whole freedom idea.
Again keep avoiding the points I make about taking someone's money without permission.
You are so morally superior to me.
Oh wait never mind you are ok with stealing. So I guess we are equal.
Based on your responses, you have absolutely no idea what the difference is.

Taxes are apart of life. They pay for things like the military, police, the streets, government buildings to name a few things. If you live in a rural area, you are being subsidized by the metropolitan areas. Is that fair to the people who live in the city. Why should they pay for rural areas that don't generate enough taxes to keep their street lights on? If you don't like it, disappear into the wilderness in Alaska because as long as you drive on roads and buy gas, you will be paying taxes.
Honestly the government doesn't really care about healthcare, or incentivizing people to purchase health insurance. The simplest and best solution would be to simply make health insurance premiums, deductibles, and 100% of medical expenses tax deductible. The health insurance market would explode and you can bet your *** that all of a sudden preexisting conditions would get covered because people would be buying plans to help them mitigate their tax burden. Everyone would buy the most expensive comprehensive plans they could. If the insurers didn't adapt, no one would buy their plans and they'd go bankrupt. It would shift the power and incentive for buying health insurance back to people. Think about it. If the government said you could deduct the cost of a new vehicle from your taxes every year, would you buy a new vehicle every year? Yes. However, notice how this has never once come up as a solution to the modern healthcare crisis? It's because Uncle Sam really doesn't care that much despite all of the political rhetoric.
Interesting idea.

And your right the feds don't really care, never have.
Here is where I am on all of this:
  1. Keep Health care as free market place
  2. Address prescription costs for EVERYONE
  3. Standardize health care procedure cost, the "ES - Extreme Spread" is ridiculous and there needs to be lower "SD - Standard Deviation" on this.
  4. Eliminate Pre-Existing condition penalties PERIOD.
  5. Eliminate ER and Immediate Care cost penalties for actual emergency services, yes, they still exist in some cases.
  6. Establish a reasonable timeline for drug and procedure approval. Remove political and bureaucratic delays.
  7. Free up alternative treatments that are not approved but are conducted within specific procedures that provide risks and potential results. The value to a terminal patient and society is greater than the overall risk.
  8. Hold medical organizations ACCOUNTABLE for billing errors with appropriate penalties. Gee wonder why I added this.
  9. Improve means to hold Doctors accountable.
  10. Hold medical organizations ACCOUNTABLE for data security breaches with appropriate penalties. Gee wonder why I added this. Our data has been lost 3 times from medical organizations from irresponsible actions on their part.
Ok, I plan on adding to this list and sending to my reps. Please add subtract.
Accountability and rewards and punishments are the key to making large complex organizations function properly.

Good points
Accountability and rewards and punishments are the key to making large complex organizations function properly.

Good points
While I agree with you and Muddyboots, don't points 2, 3,4, 5 inhibit point 1? Point 6 and 7 are patient safety issues and could be sped up but are necessary otherwise you will end up with a bunch of snake oil that ends up having no effect or even worse kills people. 8,9, and 10 are very difficult to enforce because of tort reform unless you are talking about more regulations/laws.
Based on your responses, you have absolutely no idea what the difference is.

Taxes are apart of life. They pay for things like the military, police, the streets, government buildings to name a few things. If you live in a rural area, you are being subsidized by the metropolitan areas. Is that fair to the people who live in the city. Why should they pay for rural areas that don't generate enough taxes to keep their street lights on? If you don't like it, disappear into the wilderness in Alaska because as long as you drive on roads and buy gas, you will be paying taxes.
I think that's the basic difference between us I don't think any of those things can be done better by the government than private industry.
Certainly roads.
Taxes should not have to be part of life at the rate they are.
Federal government should only have a few jobs. Security, maybe stop a plague, and keep anyone or thing form infringing on ones rights. That's it.
You and your sides thinking always leads to more and more taxes which you take form people like me by force. Again it's theft not part of life.
What if I declare my hunting gobies as a right so I can feed my family do I have a right to force you to pay. No.
Again you and the people on your side of the isle only want to force other to pay for things that benefit people that didn't earn it. Then you wouldn't even stand up for your own right. Juts keep in mind jimmy, that one day you won't be woke enough and they will come for your and your speech. Maybe it will even because you dare exercise your 2a rights. That's bad for you libs. Freedom is the only thing I care about and no matter what word play you put on your systems if it a collective based program that one willingly can or can not join that is tyranny.
Google it!
If you live in a rural area, you are being subsidized by the metropolitan areas. Is that fair to the people who live in the city. Why should they pay for rural areas that don't generate enough taxes to keep their street lights on?
I'd like further explanation about this please. I'm trying to figure out what rural areas need a city for... and I'm struggling.
I'd like further explanation about this please. I'm trying to figure out what rural areas need a city for... and I'm struggling.
Lets look at it from a national level. If a state receives more federal tax dollars than they pay, is that not distribution of wealth? Its the same thing at the state level. If the cities are generating more income for the state and some of that income goes to rural towns because they are not generating as much income then that is a distribution of wealth.

I have heard people from different states say they wish they could split their state into 2 states and make the cities be part of the other state because the cities are typically more liberal. The reality is that they would go belly up without the money from the cities unless of course they got in on the distribution of wealth at the national level.
So you're basing the entire argument on the premise that rural areas are getting money from the cities. Can you prove this is happening?

In my little rural town, money for projects doesn't come from cities. It comes from the residents here.
Lets look at it from a national level. If a state receives more federal tax dollars than they pay, is that not distribution of wealth? Its the same thing at the state level. If the cities are generating more income for the state and some of that income goes to rural towns because they are not generating as much income then that is a distribution of wealth.

I have heard people from different states say they wish they could split their state into 2 states and make the cities be part of the other state because the cities are typically more liberal. The reality is that they would go belly up without the money from the cities unless of course they got in on the distribution of wealth at the national level.
First that distribution should not happen. Again shouldn't take form someone to give to another that is theft.
Second one flaw I. Your statement
. In live in Michigan, Detroit, flint and landing have been a drain on the entire state for a while now. It's well documented in Michigan.
Detroit used to be a beacon of prosperity in our state now it's just a black hole wasting resources all because of the policies you deem as fair. That's my point once you get one thing your group goes for another. Free healthcare leads to free collage that leads to free homes then free food and anything you deem necessary.
Gues what South Africa deemed housing a right how did that work out? Just because you deem it a right doesn't magically make it so and force others to pay your way. Again eventually they run out of other people's money and come for you.
So you're basing the entire argument on the premise that rural areas are getting money from the cities. Can you prove this is happening?

In my little rural town, money for projects doesn't come from cities. It comes from the residents here.

So you are saying that your rural town does not get any of the taxes collected at the state level? Your little town is completely funded by taxes collected at the local level. Your state's largest metropolitan area is really small. Also, South Dakota receives more money from the federal government than it pays in so they are receiving a distribution of wealth. To be fair, its not nearly the level of states like Kentucky, Alabama, and Mississippi.
First that distribution should not happen. Again shouldn't take form someone to give to another that is theft.
Second one flaw I. Your statement
. In live in Michigan, Detroit, flint and landing have been a drain on the entire state for a while now. It's well documented in Michigan.
Detroit used to be a beacon of prosperity in our state now it's just a black hole wasting resources all because of the policies you deem as fair. That's my point once you get one thing your group goes for another. Free healthcare leads to free collage that leads to free homes then free food and anything you deem necessary.
Gues what South Africa deemed housing a right how did that work out? Just because you deem it a right doesn't magically make it so and force others to pay your way. Again eventually they run out of other people's money and come for you.
Michigan receives more federal funding than it pays so it is also receiving a redistribution of wealth.

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