LRH & NTO 2014 Group Elk Hunt Report


Mar 6, 2008
The experience of hunting in the mountains on horseback in some of the most beautiful country on earth is unforgettable, but truth be told, what I remember most is the wonderful camaraderie of our group of guys and Robb and his guides.

This is a thread for discussion of the article, LRH & NTO 2014 Group Elk Hunt Report, By Andy Backus. Here you can ask questions or make comments about the article.
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Great write up Andy! Sounds like you guys had a great trip. It's pretty hard to beat Wyoming in the fall.
If there is one lesson I hope all my children will come to understand it is that determination is an absolute key factor to success. This point was brought home by this year’s antelope hunt. I applied for a unit this year with low odds of drawing in hopes of just attaining another preference point for Montana. I never expected to actually draw the tag.


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