loads for a 6mm284


Jan 18, 2010
I just got my grubby little mitts on a 6mm284 and I’m looking for some reloading data. I know the barrel is a 1:10 twist. I’m looking for a load for long range and for prairie dogs. I have a ranch in Utah and I’m infested by the little critters. Anyone have any suggested loads or know of a place to find one?

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Re: loads for a 6mm264

Mine has an abnormally short barrel. It likes the 85 grain Sierra Gameking HPBT. (even though the published BC sucks)

I use Fed GM210M primers and either 55.5 grains of H1000, or 48.5 grains of Hybrid 100V.

I have some 87 grain Vmax that I haven't got around to developing loads for yet, but I suspect the two listed above will be pretty close for those too.

Mine wont shoot NBT's in any weight, much to my dismay.

For strictly long range stuff, mine likes the 95 grain Berger VLD Match with 49.5 grains of H4831SC. If yours is a short action this one may not fit in the mag box. (and they recommend a 9 twist)

If you need dies, I have a Redding Type-S (bushing style) FL sizer and a Pacific Durachrome seater that I might part with.

Hope that helps.
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success! Here ya go!

There are guys throughout this sight that have really come to appreciate the 87grn V-max. They take deer to 700+yrds with it. I would suggest that bullet for a varmint out to 1000yrds with your rifle. The wind will be the killer, but if you learn how to adjust for that, it won't be a problem. If you need help with your infestation let me know. I am dying to get out west and plug some prairie poodles. I've never done it would love to do it. I'm hoping to put together a trip next year in 2011 (have to get it in before the world ends in 2012!!!!:D).

We could do a PA migration out west to shoot prarie poodles...lol.

i wanted to go this year but it's looking like next year for me also!
We could do a PA migration out west to shoot prarie poodles...lol.

i wanted to go this year but it's looking like next year for me also!

Your not that far from me. I was just up in your neck of the woods. We went to Cabela's and stopped at the Cracker Barrel for breakfast. Eggs in a nest for me and bacon and pancakes for the wife. MMMMMMM.... GOOD STUFF! Love their hashbrown casserole.

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