Thinning the Safe Out Sale
Remington 700 LH Custom $2500 obo
Shipped & Insured to FFL
28 in Krieger Sendaro contour Barrel
Jewell Trigger
Lone Wolf Thumb Hole Stock
Sightron SIII Scope 6x24 mil dot
Shoots 208 amax, 1/2 in MOA
Looking to Buy a Truck, need to sale.
Working out of town so call or text after 7pm (mt time)
or anytime Friday-Sunday
Remington 700 LH Custom $2500 obo
Shipped & Insured to FFL
28 in Krieger Sendaro contour Barrel
Jewell Trigger
Lone Wolf Thumb Hole Stock
Sightron SIII Scope 6x24 mil dot
Shoots 208 amax, 1/2 in MOA
Looking to Buy a Truck, need to sale.
Working out of town so call or text after 7pm (mt time)
or anytime Friday-Sunday