... with advanced custom vue (Ozog Eye Care & Laser Center - Great Falls, Montana. Had mine done last Thursday and it's absolutely awesome. The entire operation lasted less than 5 minutes.
Yep, amazing! Had mine done 16-17 years ago. Was great for many years, but back to glasses/contacts now...
I have a friend who went with PRK a few years ago because of the potential of recoil causing issues with the flap coming loose. He shoots a lot of sporting clays, so he consulted with other trap and sporting clays shooters, particularly ones who are in the medical profession, and they told him that it is a minor risk, but when shooting 30-40,000 rounds/year, even minors risks are elevated.
His eyes were extremely bad--he was out of commission for a couple of days and questioning why he got it done during that time due to the pain and swelling. Once the healing was done, his vision has been phenomenal.
I wonder how the recoil of larger calibers would compare to the shotgun sports.
FEENIX, I wish you all the best and hope you are done with the spectacles.