John Kerry Writing Book on Deer Hunting!

Len Backus

Staff member
May 2, 2001
No one will believe this...

I woke up 5 minutes ago from a nightmare. I was standing next to JK and he was talking about an appointment he had in a few minutes. He was going over to meet his book publisher and they were going to look at drafts of the graphical parts of his new book. Pictures of deer and technical stuff related to the book he was writing. I said to him something like..."Oh, that's interesting...I am a wildlife photographer." And then I woke up.

I am serious...I really just had this dream. I have been watching way too much political stuff on TV.
Maybe you woke up too soon, go back to sleep amd find out when will it be published.

Actually, better described as a nightmare. Hunting deer with John Kerry would involve some kind of a Global Test(?), after which he would announce that no animals were harmed during the hunt.

Sounds like a great "photo op". LB
Len I feel very sorry for you. I would take some sleeping pills and wake up in a couple days. hopefully during that time it doesn't keep happening. If it does than I have to laugh at you. heh heh
Are you clairvoyant? It wasn't President Kerry was it? That would be a nightmare. I guess we will find out tomorrow...maybe we will all be living a nightmare.
Right on Alaska,
I told my wife that I would rather go to Iraq a second time under GW, than stay in the U.S. with her under Kerry. She agreed.

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