Hunter Joe frm VA


New Member
Jul 23, 2011
Lets see.

I have hunted and shot since I was a wee boy, about 8 years old. Of course I spent quality time with my dad and I didn't get to do much until I was older. He was a real stickler for gun safety rules. I really didn't have unsupervised time with guns until I got out of college and bought my own. His guns, his rules but we had great times. No accidents or close to any so far.

I came here from the Guns and Ammo forum to get away from those jerks. They criticized almost every post I made and called me names, idiot, moron, mall ninja, whore, ******, etc... I just got tired of it. No one could know anything about guns except the few self appointed experts that posted there. The final straw was when several people, on purpose, gave me advice for fixing a problem that would damage a gun. Enough of that.

My father taught me to shoot when I was young and he was active in the civilian marksmanship programs. By the time I was 14 I had progressed to the highest level offered to children in those NRA shooting leagues I still have a trophy which is labeled expert or marksman or something. I also shot pistol, skeet, and hunted when I was young.

Okay now I am 55 and that was a long time ago.

I have hunted and shot a lot since then. I usually hunt for whitetail each year and sometimes turkey and squirrel if I don't see a deer to shoot. I also shot in skeet competition matches for several years. I could usually shoot somewhere from 94 to 100 in most tournaments. Never a 400 though. I reloaded a LOT of shotgun shells.

I also reload pistol and rifle shells. The list includes 30-06, 270, 303, 32 special, 30 cal, 308, 220, 22-250, and pistol, 9 mm, 38 special, 357, 45 auto, 45 colt, 32 sh and 32 long.

I am really into accuracy and doing it right.

Where am I going.

I would like to get a 300 win mag rifle and a good scope for hunting deer long range. That requires some money I don't have right now so I am waiting on the brinks truck to arrive. lol. Meanwhile I am using what I have and exercising so I can climb those mountain ranges and then climb the next one over then dragging a deer all the way back to my truck. I get tired just thinking about it.

I also want to shoot some deer and bear at close range with a pistol. Thats a black bear. I think my 357 is up to shooting a deer but perhaps not a bear. I will likely buy a good pistol in larger magnum caliber when the brinks truck arrives. One of those big 45 cal mags I expect. A revolver is good for me. If I do so I will be up a tree. I just feel safer up a tree shooting a bear than standing down where he is.

People say I type too much also.

I am a life member of NRA and request any non members to join. I also belong to Isaac Walton Conservation League. Thats just a bunch of old men and women getting together to talk about fishing and shooting and hunting. We have a lake and a rifle range to do same but no hunting is allowed on the property.

dad taught me:

1. always keep you gun pointed in a safe direction.
2. verify your target.
3. know where the bullet will stop if you miss.
4. keep the safety on until you are ready to shoot.
5. Once you shoot you cannot call the bullet back.
6. obey all the ules.
7. do what your dad told you to do. watch your breath, squeeze the trigger, take your time.

Things he taught me he didn't know about.

8. don't smoke in the woods if you want to see deer.
8.5. Don't take your all metal zippo along.
9. don't eat sardeens for lunch if you expect to see deer.
10. don't carry a metal thermos with a metal lid if you want to see deer.
11. don't sit out in the open if you want to see deer.
11.5. Don't pick a spot where you can see the most territory.
12. don't dress like Santa Claus for deer season. lol.

I'll see you in the woods, first.

Last year a hunter walked within 10 feet of me and never saw me. Not sure how he expects to see a deer if he cannot see me with rifle, and scope just laying there in the leaves. Okay I had full camo on w gloves, hat and mask but geez, 10 feet.

Glad to have you. Don't know anything about your other site. A lot of of old guys here just giving our two cents worth and a seveal gunsmiths who know there stuff. You will figure it all out in time.
Welcome to the forum Joe! Hopefully your experience here will be very different than the forum from which you came.

If your experience here is like mine, no question is a stupid question. Everyone will do their best to offer their best advice and knowledge. The only times I've seen someone get flamed on this forum is when they held themselves up as an 'expert' and it was fairly obvious that they they are not.

Waiting for the Brinks truck to arrive is a similar place that many people on this forum find themselves. Don't let that hold you back though. There are plenty of rifles and equipment that will meet your budget and get the job done.

Although you don't have the 300mag you wish you had, it sounds as though you have several rifles, in cartridges that provide pretty good long range performance - 30-06, 270, 308.

Tell us a bit more about your rifles and what you wish they could do and I'm sure the members here will provide the information you need to building/upgrading a real tack driver.

Like you, I started in a similar spot. Here's a thread about my 308 that eventually became a full-custom 260...
I couldn't post so I let it do more cookies and it looks like it works now. I got a bunch of malware on my pc so I got rid of it and turned security up higher. Seems to have worked but it does look like it comes from LRS website.

I have a Weatherby Mark V 30-06 with a Leupold Scope 3-9 I think. Black synthetic stock. Blue barrel. I have some 30-06 Match King loaded already so I will shoot them. I think they are 168 grain but I am not sure. Its been a while..

It shoots about a 2 inch group at 100 off of sandbags which I think is terrible. Also the trigger is very hard to pull. I plan to reduce the trigger to minimum using the set screw on the bottom and see how that goes. Thats 3 pounds I recall. Also I find it very hard to look thru the scope and see anything in the woods. This may not be fixable without changing the scope..

I would like to reduce the trigger pull to about 1 pound or a little less. So far I let my gunsmith look at it and he removed some of the stock that was touching the barrel and also I pointed out that the mounts did not fit the barrel very well. He replaced them. He is very good but retired now I expect. That took it down to 2 inches..

Turned out the shop that sold it to me put the wrong mounts on. He could not even identify what type they were. Thats the last time I go to that shop. They even pushed the scope too far back and the rings dented the tube just a little. All that money I spent there and they dented the scope and put on the wrong mounts.

.I was planing to sell it and left it on consignment in another shop for a year and when I got it back the trigger was tight. I am not sure what transpired in that year. So now I am trying to get it shootng again..

I would like advice on installing a lighter spring in the trigger assembly to reduce the pull to less than 1 pound with the adjustment screw. I plan to do it myself if I can. I don't need to be told a light trigger is dangerous or I should always take it to a gunsmith for work. Thanks..

Also I need adivce on more methods to improve accuracy a bit. I am not to the point yet where I can increase the length of the bullet to just miss the lands but I want to do that too. .

all the paragraphs disappeared whats up w that.
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I grew up in Christiansburg (~ 10 years) and have many many great memories of the Isaac Walton Club. I would love to spend some time in that area again.

Welcome aboard!
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