Help with bullet?


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2015
Northern Nevada
i have a bag of bullets from my late grandfather that he shot out of his .264 win mag. I want to hunt with his rifle and am having trouble identifying his bullets. I know he used h4831 and what looks like hornady bullets. Red, derlin (?) tips, boat tail, 127 grain bullets. These are raw bullets, not pulled, on a verified scale. I thought they were sst's, but am not finding any confirmation that a 127 sst ever existed.

Chances are, these bullets could be anywhere from 5-20 years old. They are in great shape and I have hundreds so would like to find a reliable bc. If nothing else, I can use them for fireforming and practice but would like to identify the bullet.

I need to verify the twist rate, but would rather shoot bergers and take advantage of the new bullet technology. Still, I want to take advantage of several hundred free bullets in 6.5. I have a heavy barrel .260 that will eat these up.
If you can't find what bullet it is, load em up and chrono them, take a guess at the bc based on what other bullet profile they are similar to, and shoot them at long range. Adjust your bc in your calculator until you start making consistent hits. I would start somewhere around .429 for a G1 bc value.
They may be the sst, or an earlier version that was 2gr lighter. I agree with Cody Adam's, load and shoot
If you can't find what bullet it is, load em up and chrono them, take a guess at the bc based on what other bullet profile they are similar to, and shoot them at long range. Adjust your bc in your calculator until you start making consistent hits. I would start somewhere around .429 for a G1 bc value.

This sounds like a lot of fun. Gonna have to give it a shot and see what I come up with.
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