Got me a few grouse


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2017
Some beautiful mornings here in the mountains, and plenty of grouse to be had too. I love this little Browning 16 gauge too, such a joy to shoot:
Great picture! One of the items on the short list of things I miss about living in northern Minnesota. Ruffed Grouse hunting was my passion. I would hunt a couple times a week from September through the end of the year. Nowadays the wolves and taxes are so out of hand, I won't go there any more. The Black Hills of South Dakota is a great alternative. Different birds and hunting styles however.
Grouse hunting with a Lewellyn setter was one of my favorite things when Kentucky had a good population. It was one of those, my uncle had a Lewellyn memories that had me set on this dog. I sure miss those thickets and thunderous bursts on the flush. I used a Benelli montefeltro 20 gauge. As an incident left me busted up with 127 pieces of shrapnel up down my spine and in my liver. Light weight but but still very effective. I used to wrap the breast in bacon and baste with orange juice. If you drop any on you, your tongue will beat your brains out getting to it.