Ditto on Sitka Gear.
Before we started offering it here in our LRH Store a month ago, we looked for a very high quality line of clothing. From all the good internet comments we knew this was the best.
I thought maybe I should wear it to learn it and to help promote it. But I was happy with what I already was using and didn't expect it to make much difference to me whether I used it personally or not.
Wrong, I love it. In fact yesterday on my satellite phone call to my wife, what did I chat about from 1000 miles from home? How happy I am with my new Sitka Gear clothing.
Of course mine was bought at dealer cost but I remember thinking yesterday that I would buy it at retail prices if we weren't a dealer.
My son, Andy, just got back from a high country archery elk hunt with his buddies. Three of the guys used SG. Andy will soon be writing about what each of them thought about it.