I am offering for sale my Remington 700 Sendero chambered in 7mmRUM . It has the fluted stainless steel barrel and the HS stock without the palm swell. I have added a Harrels Precision muzzle brake and a Shilen trigger. The scope is a Horus Vision Mod. 2000 Predator 8-26x with H70 reticle mounted in Leupold Mk IV Tactical rings on a Farrel one-piece base. I have Redding dies and 50 pcs of brass plus a box or two of bullets in the package . The rifle shoots 3 in. 3 shot groups at 600 yds and barrel has less than 200 rds. through it . I bought it for long range deer hunting but just don't have time to hunt anymore . Price for rifle and scope and die package $1500 delivered in conus . If the rifle and scope sell separately I need $975 for rifle w/Farrel base delivered and $550 for scope and rings delivered. If interested email eggman AT naxs DOT com .Also, listed on 6BR.com.