Four days, high country, Washington

Guy M

Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2007
Chelan Co, Washington
Headed up into the Cascades for a four-day solo trip, looking for a big mulie. Came home without the big guy, let a young 3x3 walk away. Despite not filling my tag, it was a good hunt. Here's a few photos.





I try to get out for a high hunt in September every year. Sometimes with friends, sometimes solo. Often I come up empty, now and again I fill the tag. It's a good tradition, and I try to reserve a few days or a week for it year after year. Good to get up there in the high country... Fishing was pretty darned good too. Rifle is just a basic .25-06 Rem 700 CDL with a 6x Leupold. The 115 Bergers were sighted-in at 300 yards. It's taken several mule deer for me over the past few years, but not on this trip. Mountain seemed pretty steep on the hike in this year. Someday I'll be too old for this sort of thing, but not yet.

Regards, Guy
Awesome looking country! I always look at hunting trips as always being a success, getting an animal is the icing on the cake, but that might say more about my hunting ability than anything else!

Great Pics Guy!

Reminds me of some of the areas I hit out in the hills of Idaho elk hunting. I'm headed out to the Absaroka /Deadline Ridge areas of Wyoming this October. I'll be out there for the whole month.

I'll be sure to bring some pics back to post as well,... :D
Awesome pictures!!!
Great trip you just made, backpack hunting solo for 4 days, just the adventure is a great trophy. Thanks for posting.
Nice story thanks for sharing . We decide to do that one time we went to colorado stayed a few days up in the mtns, we hiked in with packs that look very similar to yours it was a hunt that I'll never forget I wish I could do it year after year like you have . When you hunt like that you don't have to kill something to say you've been hunting . Thanks again

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