USAF Marksman
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- Jun 12, 2013
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Hey everyone, I had the opportunity to harvest this beautiful buck this year in Central Missouri. This was the first deer I have taken in Missouri and it is also the first animal I have killed with a bow. I took him with my Bowtech Carbon Knight at about 15 yards. I shot him at 0932 on the first Friday I was able to get out and hunt after coming back from my deployment. That same morning I saw a doe walk through as well as a little 5 pointer that I called in to my stand at about 10 yards. After the 5 point walked out of sight directly behind me this big guy came strutting down the same trail as the doe had at first light. When I first saw him he was about 40 yards away coming down the opposite side of the creek bed I was sitting near. As he was going down the hill with his head down I stood up and drew back and waited for a shot. It was only about 10 seconds from the time I first saw him, to the time he made it down the creek bank and back up my side. When he got to the top of the bank and came to an open spot I grunted at him so he would stop. I was already drawn on him and aiming at him, so when he stopped I let the arrow fly. He was quartering slightly to me and I hit him a little further back than I wanted, but I nicked his lung on his left side, and went on to cut the hell out of his guts. He didn't run, but he trotted off about 30 yards up the creek bed away from me. There were some thick trees between me and where he stopped so I couldn't see him when he laid down. I could hear him gurgling blood for about two minutes, then I heard a thud, which I later assumed to be his head hitting the ground. I was hunting with a veteran hunter, and retired AF vet. I sent him a text saying that I shot a monster! He told me to sit tight for a while to make sure the Buck was dead and wouldn't run when I got out of the stand. He also said he would circle around to come in the opposite direction of me in case he was still alive. It took about an hour for him to get there and when I saw he was about 100 yards away I got down out of my stand and started towards where I thought the Buck was. I could see him almost right away, laying dead at the opposite side of the creek bank. It was definitely one of my proudest hunting moments and a very special day. We took some pictures and shook hands, then got him out of the woods to the garage and started to process him. We didn't get to weigh him, but we thought he was around 200 lbs. It was about 75 degrees out by then so we weren't wasting any time. So, I'm glad I got to share with everyone here. Again, it was a great day and an awesome hunt for me.