federal factory ammo powder 3006

Most powders used by the factory to load ammo are not commercial powders. They tell the manufacturer what they are looking for and the plant custom blends the powders to meet the requirements set by the ammo factory.

I read a while back where someone took apart some Speer 40 S&W ammo from two different lots and one powder was a flattened ball powder than the other a flake powder. I guess they us what they buy at the time...
Most powders used by the factory to load ammo are not commercial powders. They tell the manufacturer what they are looking for and the plant custom blends the powders to meet the requirements set by the ammo factory.

I read a while back where someone took apart some Speer 40 S&W ammo from two different lots and one powder was a flattened ball powder than the other a flake powder. I guess they us what they buy at the time...
I pulled a bunch of Federal 180grn. soft points the powder looked like the same so I saved it and recorded the weight which is 57grns. I thought about working up another 178gr. Amax load with it but it would only be about 50 rounds so I might dump it in the yard I don't know what do you think? I bought it from the same case so its probably the same powder
I bet you are going to hear differing opinions on your last question. Personally, my common sense says that it's not a good idea. Not knowing what powder you are using, you won't have any idea of the pressure curve for it. On the other hand, typically, the smaller the bullet weight (in grains), the higher the powder charge you can "typically" use, so going down from 180 to 175, the powder charge for the 180s that you emptied should be fine for the 175s. The problem is that it totally depends on your bullet. I've seen examples where that common sense approach is not valid.

I honestly don't see a point though in working up a load for that little powder and with the potential hazards which could result, I suspect that though I might think about throwing caution to the wind, I'd likely play it safe and just dump it. I like my guns, hands, and face too much to take the chance of merging them together, for just a couple packs of ammo.
I figure I would just dump it or maybe keep it along with the flat base bullets and load them together if I ever got into a pinch...
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