I can remember reading articles in shooting times magazines when I was younger about Harry Drummond and his brother doing some long range groundhog hunting. They used a Barr & Stroud rangefinder and were making hits past a 1000 yrds. Their longest hit was 1.450 yrds on a grounghog. They would range the hog and then move off to another target at that distance and get sighted in and return back to the groundhog to drop him. That is the reason I built a 7m/m-300 Wby with a 28 inch bull barrel, big stock like his and I had a 2 inch 36x Unertl scope on it. I lived in Ohio and loved to go grounghog hunting.
His cartridges were Weatherby cases with 60* shoulders on them
6.5-300 Wby
7m/m-300 Wby
7m/m-378 Wby
30-378 Wby
He used Douglas barrels and Unertl scopes but it doesn't say in his ad who made the stocks. I still have his ad from a back of a shooting magazine. I can try to take a pic of it if you want.