CVA Optima Pro trigger diagram


Jan 2, 2009
Apparently you're not supposed to take the trigger out of the gun when you clean it. Anyone have a diagram or anything that would help re-assemble it?
I know this is later than your original post but, I bought a used Optima Pro and did the same thing. I have spent days looking for schematics for the trigger and have little luck and seeing that most forums complaining that CVA would not help. Now that BPI has taken over it seems thing are going better. I emailed BPI customer service and they responded quickly with a schematic, which I have attached here. Hope this helps and thanks to Jason at BPI Customer Service.


  • OptimaTriggerSchematic.jpg
    54 KB · Views: 17,938
thanks for puting the diagram up. I would never have goten this back together with out it i used the paint brush handles mentchened earlyer in the thread. still took some time to get it together but would of taken for ever trying to figure out where the springs went.
I know this is later than your original post but, I bought a used Optima Pro and did the same thing. I have spent days looking for schematics for the trigger and have little luck and seeing that most forums complaining that CVA would not help. Now that BPI has taken over it seems thing are going better. I emailed BPI customer service and they responded quickly with a schematic, which I have attached here. Hope this helps and thanks to Jason at BPI Customer Service.
anyone know the email or phone # to bpi ,for cva optima elite trigger assembly,or what does bpi stand for
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