Chris Matthews (Traitor)- MSNBC and sponsors


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Wilmington NC
Chris Matthews recent comment calling West Point the "enemy camp" is a just another example of his ultra liberal, anti military and anti-US ideologies.

This is the same nut that said Obama "sent a tingle up his leg" while covering the campaign.

Ford Motor company is a major sponsor of his and it is about time that we all contacted Ford and told them to drop this nut.

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Dear John Mason,

Thank you for contacting the Ford Motor Company Customer Relationship
Center regarding the Hardball with Chris Matthews show.

We believe one of the most effective ways to connect with customers and
generate mass awareness of our products is through television advertising.
We treat our purchase of commercial time as we do any other prime time,
mainstream television program. By buying commercial time on top-rated
shows, we are not making judgment on the specific content of the show but
simply making an optimized attempt to reach our many customers through
award-winning television programming. Ford Motor Company values the
opinions and sensibilities of our customers worldwide and will continue
to try to place advertising on programs that reach and appeal to our
diverse customer base.

Sometimes e-mail communication does not allow us to gain additional
information that may be helpful in responding to your inquiry.
Should you feel that we have not adequately addressed your questions,
please feel free to contact us via telephone at (800)392-3673 between
the hours of 8am and 5pm, local time, Monday through Friday.
Hearing-impaired callers with access to a TDD may contact 1-800-232-5952.

Rex Bryan
Customer Relationship Center
Ford Motor Company
I received the same reply, but they added "sorry you feel that way," because I respectfully requested that they fire the sonofabitch, Matthews. :)
I haven't recieved a reply yet but I informed them that several of my family members own small company's. My dad usually buys 3 to 4 F350's every 3 years averaging 1 new 49,000 dollar auto a year and I usually buy a F250 every 2 years that's just between my father and I . Several others own Fords. I told them that I did not like anyone who supports someone who thinks Obama sends a tingle up their leg I would rather WALK! This country is going down hill fast, folks today have no discernment I'm not going to spend my money anywere that supports any of the leftwing crowd as long as I know it ....... Thanks for the Info....

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I got the same response email...I sent a photocopy of the thre trade in section of my new Dodge truck purchase showing that I traded my 2007 Ford for another Dodge.

I also told them WHY I traded it in. The Chris Mathews comment.
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