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Take as you will, it's the price to play. Only those who do not benefit will complain about others. We all know this can go several ways. Manufacturers have a production run(s) and stocks will be replenished or continue down current path and prices sky rocket past what market is offering. I'm sorry if you don't agree.
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Smokin sumpin...

Funny, I just bought 2k CCI 200 for $48 at Sportsmans Warehouse last night.
I can't believe what I am seeing here. You all need to take a step back then go read post #68. We have been had!
I don't know the original poster so I gave him the benefit of the doubt and believed his initial post was real and sincere but since I had nothing nice to say I kept my comments to myself. Then I read page after page of folks tearing into the OP and I did not disagree until I read post #68. Then it all made sense.
To those who read the first page and then posted their own angry self righteous reply may I suggest you read the entire thread, especially post 68, and then think about what other group has essentially the same response when talking about us, hunters and firearms enthusiasts and 2A advocates.
If you can't figure it out let me help you with an example:
Recently Sen Ted Cruz posted a photo of himself with a beautiful buck he had legally harvested. You could almost hear the liberal left bunny hugger's heads exploding! Talk about triggered! The response was an embarrassing display of self righteous indignation and angry vitriol very similar to what I've seen here in this thread. In both cases the original posts were perfectly legal (albeit in my opinion ill advised) and the responses were predictably split along group lines. Do you understand what I'm saying here?
We were intentionally triggered as part of research for a school paper and we came back with a predictable response.
It's time to let it go, calm down and reflect on our responses. It was, I believe, an experiment in human behavior.
Or I could be dead wrong and the OP really is just a jerk.
Good evening forum members,

First off let me apologize as this post was information gathering for a term paper in Social Psychology and I needed data/participation from individuals that I don't interact with on a daily basis. Now comes the fun part of interpretation, prediction of non verbal expressions, and theorizing. I also posted this exact same topic on another forum with completely different results, a single post wanting to buy. Additionally, I received one PM wanting to work terms.

Finally, I know some post were directed towards individuals, no ill intent.

Which university? Also, a neat way to gather data. I think that was a pretty smart idea. It should make a good paper.
Which university? Also, a neat way to gather data. I think that was a pretty smart idea. It should make a good paper.
He's a hack. No way this was for a paper. Dude thought he had gold, tried to take advantage, got shot down and raked over the coals by good people. Then he made up some ******** about research purposes to try and save face. Tar him and feather him.

there is no doubt he's holding at least 8000 cci 450s. How many you think he has loaded in the last 6 months? How many times has he pulled the trigger? Paid a match entry fee? Shot an animal? I hazard to guess not anywhere close to 8000. That's hoarding and it's the root of the issue. Hoard then gouge.
Completely understand where everyone is coming from but don't have to agree.
Here's the thing, can you walk into your LGS or market place right now and purchase all reloading items to support your needs?
If so, great, buy from there!
Also look at how many post are marketed towards my area. Sparsely populated and not many post selling in this area.
Let me break this down, I drive to Las Cruces or El Paso (2 hours to Sportsmans or Cabelas) to buy said primers, my fuel to and from is $60 plus primers (2019 prices as we all know nothing is in stock now) I'm now $100 not to mention time and food. Incurred cost is about asking price for a box. Okay not in stock, Albuquerque is 3 hours away, fuel is $110 plus primers, food and time. Slightly more than my asking price.
Our reloading situation will get worse before it gets better. In a few months if you weren't prepared these prices will be cheap!
Lastly, if you don't need or want what I've got to offer or don't like that I won't follow the "flock" or give buddy deals, smash ignore. Thats just one less gripe or complaint I read.
If you didnt need them why not leave them on the store shelf for someone that does?
You're justification is almost as bad as Ripping people with a 300% mark up.
To address all that are "concerned" about the post, no where in the rules or policies does it say I have to post an item for sale at a certain price. Do other members not freely post items for sale and set asking price?
Shouldn't have to have "rules and policies" in a forum like this to prohibit a dude from being a total d-bag. You're know better than a guy who would see another dude drop a deer and run over and tag it for your own claiming you shot at the same time. Doesn't specifically say that you can't do that in the regulations we all just know it ain't right. Kinda like hoarding primers, powder or ammo that you don't need to create a false supply shortage and make a few dollars. Worse than Biden stealing the election imo.
This thread has "Jumped The Shark"... We should focus on something a little more productive. I've seen primers available a few times in the last week, things are picking up slowly.
Yup I saw some RL26 in 8lb kegs a couple of weeks ago. This will pass. The big question will be what this new admin does this term.

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