Burris BD side focus


Active Member
Mar 2, 2003
Central Texas
Hello All.. now that these are out, I am wondering if anybody has used one yet, and has any comments. I am considering downgrading from my NF NXS 8-32 because I don't do any shooting beyond 400 yds (so far anyway).
I had the chance to see them at this year's Shot Show in Orlando, FL. I thought they looked good and didn't seem as heavy as the previous front focus design. Also now that they are side focus the front bell is not as large and I think one could use shorter rings to mount them with.

The side focus knob is small - not like a Night Force or similar designs. That's + and -. All this said, I almost wished I would have waited on the new design. I bought a 8x32 BD last year and it IS big and heavy. The new design seems less so.
I would like to hear more from owners of the Black Diamond Side focus series too. I bought an NXS because my NF Benchrest series did not have side focus but IMHO it is not near the scope. Any more Black Diamond owners out there?
Me too, more reviews please. I am considering selling my 6-24x50 Black Diamond with Ballistic Mil-dot, for the new side-focus model. Is it worth the extra money?
OK, OK, I got both of my Burris catalogs here, 2002 and 2003, The 2003 SF model is 3.9oz. lighter than 2002, the bell is 2mm smaller on SF model, 58mm vs.60mm , and new model is 1.1" shorter, other then that the internals remain, the same outstanding optics etc. You'll still need high rings for rifles like 700 long/short action and Winchester rifles. Larry at Burris will be glad to answer any other questions at 1-888-228-7747.

You only need high rings for the standard Leupold mount. I used the Leupold QRW base & PRW rings with my 8-32x50 BD on my PSS 308, only Medium PRW rings are required. Just FYI.

I just bought a CZ 550 Laminate in 22-250.
I got a great deal at $480 out the door with 1" rings.
Now do I buy a Burris Sinature 8-32 or a Black Diamond?

Is the Black Diamond worth the extra $200?
If I get a Black Diamond I need to get new rings and that's another $60.
Any thoughts?

By the way, I am totaly new to Varmint Hunting. How do I find them?
Austria, My son's 22-250 sports a 6-24x Sig. as does my VS in 223, most excellent scopes, very clear, I'd stick to this power and models for varmint hunting, reason being, they have enough elevation for how far a 22-250 can reach, son's scope has the Balistic mil-dot, which is about 90 bucks more, but don't have to worry about holdover since it's calibrated for the 55gr 22-250, and other flat shooting rounds. The reason you might want to stay away from the 8-32 is mirage on 32x would be horrifying, and it's bad enough on 24x, that's more than enough power to see a praire dog at 500 yds, Bal. mil-dot subtends .10" at 100yds, so that works out to .50" at 500.
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