Browning do it yourself stock trigger job?


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2004
Albany Oregon
I recently purchased an A-bolt in 300 win mag for a medium range deer rig and was wondering if any one knows how hard it is to adjust the triggers on the newer Brownings? I admit I am as far from a gunsmith as you can get,but the manual did make it sound pretty simple??? I had a local gunsmith do the trigger on my 300 rum sendero,but thought it would be nice to learn for myself this time what do you guys think?
I believe it's just a matter of turning a screw in or out for adjustment on the A-bolts. I have one in a 300wsm and they claimed that you could adjust the trigger down to 3lbs or so and I couldn't get it below 4lbs. It's a very simple process, if it will go down to where you want it.
I doubt you will get it to 3lbs. My abolt II would only go to 4-4 1/2lbs. I purchased a Timney replacement spring set and now have a less than 3lb pull. Replacing the spring is very simple. Push out a pin (easy to remove), remove the factory spring, insert the timney spring, replace the pin and adjust to suit your needs. Timeny includes easy to follow instructions.
gonetocamp where do I get a Timny spring set for my browning A-bolt. Thanks
The spring set does seem to be about the best choice.I can shoot it like it is but really dont want to!I was going to put the scope on this weekend but sounds like the new spring is worth the little extra attention first! I appreciate the help! Rob, AKA The Oregonhunter
You can order the Trigger Spring Kit (2 springs: 2lb and a 3lb) directly from Timney or from Brownells. Brownells' part number is 883-000-003. $20.00. The spring set fits Abolt (including Abolt II), Medallion and Micro-Medallion. I believe the price is the same from Timney direct. Brownells: 1/800/741-0015. I seem to recall that Lock, Stock & Barrell carried the spring set also but I don't have their catalog at present. LS&B's price, I believe, was lower.
Save your money just take the stock spring out and cut it flush with the top of the adj. screw that will give you an adj. of 3/4 lb. to around 51/2 lb.
Is it just as easy to cut down the stock spring as it is to replace it?

If so, it sounds like it would get me in the ball park. Im not going to be too picky. I just want it good enough for a basic deer rig.

either way, I appreciate the help guys!!! Rob
I had a Browning Stainless Steel Stalker with BOSS in 300 Win Mag. I went through this whole deal. First adjusted it down as far as it would go, then replaced the spring with another, etc.

One thing to consider is what shape you want it to be in if you sell it some day in the future.

I replaced the spring so that when I went to sell it I could put the old one back in and have it be a stock factory trigger again.

Some people may be concerned about a trigger that a non-gun smith modified and may not want to buy it.

Just a thought ....
While it's a bit more expensive than options being discussed here, I got a Moyer's replacement trigger for mine. Weight of pull wasn't my only problem--it had too much creep.

This trigger is fully adjustable for weight, creep and overtravel. I'm very happy with it. I installed it myself, but if you aren't mechanically inclined it might be a good idea to have a gunsmith do it for you.
I am not sure what he charges, but Kevin Knight at High Performance Gunsmithing will modify a Browning trigger where he adds another set screw among other things. Makes it so it can be set to a very crisp 2 pounds if you like. He did it on my Browing A-Bolt Hunter and it has as nice (or nicer) of a pull as any of my other rifles. I had my rifle in for a new barrel / brake and other things. Kevin did the work then so I don't know the exact costs, but it seems reasonable if getting any other work done.
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