
Ive never been a bipod fan due to the bulk, weight, and fiddle factor. Took a chance on the javelin and love it. I've bedded a mount for it into nearly every rifle I own.
looking for opinions on the higher end bipods, the are several out there and I'm not stuck on one or another but maybe just looking for recommendations with what you have and like/don't like. i was leaning towards a atlas but for no specific reason.
Warne skyline, very versatile and solid.
I have several Harris style bipods I bought on eBay. They work great. I have less invested in all mine total than one Harris.
Those Harris copy's are junk and support China.

I use Harris, Thunder Beast, atlas psr, atlas scal and a LRA tactical

The ThunderBeastarms is the best for hunting. Light and quick to deploy and stable.
The LRA and SCal are the most stable but are heavier and larger.

The best thing I have used for hunting is a RRS tripod with Anvil head. A lot of places I hunt the terrain only suits a bipod for some shots.

Before I bought the tripod I used a Harris 12-25. Great hunting bipod. Much quicker than the tripod and has some height to it. But not as stable or height capable as the tripod
My next bipod will be a Spartan Javelin. I love the concept and looks very convenient for a hunting rifle.
I have three. Love them all. One pro model and Two regular (1 short and 1 tall). There so light and with the additional purchase of gun studs they're all transferable to other guns within seconds. Best of all no bipods knifing into your spine. You'll love them.
I have three. Love them all. One pro model and Two regular (1 short and 1 tall). There so light and with the additional purchase of gun studs they're all transferable to other guns within seconds. Best of all no bipods knifing into your spine. You'll love them.

Also this was posted in the backpacking forum. Some of the recommendations are really heavy for backpack hunting.
I own Harris (multiple), an Atlas PSR, and a ThunderBeast (TBAC). The TBAC is my favorite and worth the extra $$ in my opinion. This is based on the deployment mechanism in both length and tilt of the TBAC legs. A simple button push is all that's needed to set the legs to an offset position vs. the slightly clunkier Atlas leg deployment (almost 2 hands required). If speed and weight is the highest priority then Harris wins with stability suffering. Both Atlas and TBAC offer excellent stability. Hope this is helpful.
I like the ATLAS bipod on my competition rifle but would never carry that weight hunting in Nevada's high country.

Instead I put Quick siX on my carbon fiber hiking poles for an increase of a whopping 3 ounces. These two discs work fast and I get shooting sticks instead of the limited height of a bipod.

Eric B.
Atlas Gen2 tall CAL is an excellent field bipod. It's super stable, locks up solid, has a great height range, isn't very heavy, and is reasonably priced.

The magpul bipod is a decent budget option if you lock out the pan.

You'll probably get a lot of Harris suggestions. They work fine, but there is a definite difference between a CAL and a Harris.
Agreed, my preference is also for the Atlas. I have a magpul too and it's very good for the $. I've had a Harris and prefer the Atlas and Magpul.
In either case I recommend the ADM 170-s mount AND you can often save $ by purchasing the bipod and mount separately, most folks buy the Atlas with the ADM mount included so the "naked" Atlas can be found on sale and it's super easy to bolt the ADM on and pocket the extra cash.
Also worth mentioning that I prefer the non-rotate legs I think that's the BT 46 but I'm sure I'll be corrected if I'm wrong.
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