Berger supporters, Vocal Minority with Something to Gain, or Legit?

Shot accubonds for years in a 7mag and 300 wm never had one explode and the 300 shoots 180s
Just my experience, 300 rum, distance was a couple feet on a wounded bear. Nothing more than a couple pieces of jacket found about the size of a pencil eraser. Fist sized entry holes, few inches of penetration, no contact with large bone. My wife, kids and meat grinder thank me for switching to solid copper bullets. That being said, i think the accubond is a great bullet for its intended use at slower velocities or longer ranges.
I haven't had an Accubond explode yet and I killed allot of animals with them. I have been using the ABLR's lately and even though they are supposedly softer than regular AB's, I haven't had them explode either.

Here's a 175gr ABLR that hit a Zebra at @ 2,800fps in shoulder bone and was recovered on off side under skin.

Pretty good test for a bullet
What did the bullet weigh ?
Every thing can and can not improve over time. I've used Barnes for over twenty years. Tried lots of others before and after including Berger's. Went back to Barnes and have been happy with them.
You watched escanaba in da moonlight didn't you?
The only problem with Berger bullets is they just let anyone buy and load them. They should have a hand loading test you have to take and PASS before they they will sell them. Not trying to be rude-just truthful.......................and yes ELKEATER I did get that pearl of wisdom from Escanaba in the moon light. Great movie !!
All I can say is my GF shot this doe at 50 yards or so ( can't remember exact yardage) with a 260 Rem 140 Grain Berger bullet. That exit wound is 7" long and 1.5" wide. The doe walked around 10-15 yards after she was hit. They don't always drop in their tracks no matter what you hit them with. The impact even broke the neck.


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