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Re: Off Topic! Need a graphic desiger who knows rifles.


I don't think I call myself as a graphic designer. I'm a 3D modeler, 3D artist for Playstation II & X-box games, image manipulator and many years of experience in Photoshop.

I've designed one of the Ultra Longrange rifle before building it. I created the 3D rifle to visualize what it is going to be like.
Maybe you can see my sample portfolio in "My Tomahawk is HERE" in Ultra long range forum where I manipulated the image of the brass headface "300 Tomahawk". I think it is in page 10-12 somewhere.

Sad news is that I don't think I'll move to Manitoba. Sending and receiving email with attachment is fine with me.

Re: Off Topic! Need a graphic desiger who knows rifles.


I grew up 150 miles south of you and am a proud redneck. have a friend who knows rifles and his "wife" is a graphic designer and lives fairly close, Duluth area.. I'll pass the word on and if you hook up with ckdesigns, you'll owe me at least a fishing trip
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