anyone have a TC venture?


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2010
North Dakota
Looking at the TC venture in 6.5x.284. wondering if anyone has experience with these and if they shoot well. Would like it too shoot 130-140 grain into under 1" three shot. I drive 120 mile each day for work and like too have a rifle with me. With the influx of oil workers up here we also have had and influx of crime. Leaving my $4000 custom rifles in my car all day or night concerns me. I love my 6.5x.284 so when I saw they had one with 24" tube and adjustable trigger I thought I'd check it out. thanks
I have not shot one in 6.5-284 but I have shot a number of them in different calibers. I have a friend that owns a gun shop in North East NC and my hunting buddy does all the sighting in of rifles for his store. When I go over to deer hunt for a month every year I help do the sighting in. All the T/C Venture rifles, and that has been a good number because of the price and they seem to be a good rifle, I have shot have been very accurate for an out of the box rifle shooting factory ammo, Federal blue box. Easy under 1" at 100 yards. As far as I know there have been no problems with these rifles. None have been brought back with complaints while I have been there and I am in the store everyday during the middle of the day because I park my camper just outside the back door. Hope this helps you.
Thanks, I thought they should shoot that well. Anyone know where to get a after market stock? I guess you could get one from the factory but then it wouldn't be that much more to go with the icon.
Thanks, I thought they should shoot that well. Anyone know where to get a after market stock? I guess you could get one from the factory but then it wouldn't be that much more to go with the icon.

Been there, researched that. Nobody makes a stock for it as far as an inletted deal with the bedding block. Manners makes the Warlord stock for TC ( awesome) but, will not sell them to the public. Make sure you torque the action screws correctly. Important on this rifle. I am sure Chad Dixon or some other reputable smith could bed one. The hogue on mine is decent, just a little limber in the foreend.
I looked at those for a Venture I had. Just to spendy for an inexpensive rifle IMO. Maybe when the ICON is shot out. . . . .:)
Bought one in 6.5x.284 from off of gun broker $474 shipped.
I'll post how it shoots when I get it up and running. My hope is that it shoots well enough to get me out too 800 yards. The reason for buying it is too have a inexpensive rifle in that neat caliber that I can leave in my car that isn't worth more than my work car. Just in case someone feels they need it more than I, I won't be out as much.
I own two Icons. A lot of people write really good reiews on the ventures on these discussion sites. I have only handled one years ago when they first came out and I was looking to buy one. It felt light and the stock seemed hollow and slick so I passed. Didn't really like the color scheme on the inserts. During my research on the venture the rags were comparing it to the Icon. So I began researching the Icon. I got sold on the interlok bedding concept and wound up buying one in .308, and later one in 30-06. More weight in the Icons and I can only assume less recoil. Love them both.
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