curious as to how many of us are into older rifles, military stuff. I have been loading match grade m1 Ammo with great results. I may take it hog hunting this winter. Anybody?
Not the Garands but I started my USN shooting career out on the M1As, right before we switched to the "mouse guns" for service rifle comps.
But a nice M1D with M82 scope is on my inventory radar as a "NEED" item
I keep a limited "Historic" rifle collection. M1 Garand that was a SAIC rebarrel to 7.62 for Navy Marksmen. As I understand it Navy didn't like them. They went to the Coast Guard. Of course a Mauser Gwertz markings with Turkish on top. You get the idea.
I have a Korean war M1 that was made in 1953. It's in very good condition and shoots good like most M1s did. I use it mostly to practice the manual of arms now. Regards
I own a couple of Garands and a few other milsurp rifles. I try and shoot one or two Vintage Sniper and/or CMP Garand matches a year. If you ever wanted to enjoy a rifle range, try the CMP rifle range in Talladega, Alabama. They have a ton of different matches there throughout the year.