Ammo Shortages--Federal Agencies Stockpiling Excessive Ammo- IRS alone over 5 million rounds.

Doesn't tracking terrorists fall under national defense? Does financing terrorism fall under national defense? What about drug trafficking? Also, how can these agencies focus on their primary functions if they can't enforce them?
I said FBI, ATF, DEA can address your example issues, and those issues are within their main function. And these agencies are primarily law enforcement.
So you are saying that the fbi create new departments, hire and train people and arm them to replace the people and firearms in those other agencies. Maybe they can just transfer those existing agents to the fbi and then leave their offices in those agencies almost like they never left. The only real difference is that their paycheck comes from the fbi. Of course, the fbi will probably buy them more bullets than had they stayed with their original agencies.
You know, I probably believe in law enforcement a lot more than you may. The difference being, I believe in local, local, local.
Everything should be taken care of at the lowest level by those closest to it. Ironically, and maybe its a misnomer but the founders referred to the distributed power to the States as "Federalism", where the federal government and the States have shared power, not all power residing at the central government. I always thought that was an oxymoron---the name doesn't connote that too well.

I believe in small government, decentralized, and liberty for the people. I believe in a Republic not a Pure Democracy.
You may love big government, and swear by Democracy.......Most people don't know the difference between Republicanism and a Pure Democracy. You see I really prefer the rights of the minority be protected, not the rights of the majority. Protecting the rights of the majority actually becomes the Tyranny of the Majority Mob Rule-- Read the Federalist Papers-James Madison.
(The pledge of allegiance also says to the Republic for which I stand......I'm so glad they got it right! But, soon I'm sure someone will ask them to change it to the Democracy........)

I refer you to this link where I have tried to explain myself on Democracy vs, Republicanism---(and I don't mean this in a political modern day context whatsover, but in the context of the framing of the original constitution and a system of government structurally).

Take a stroll through this link below and you will understand where I am coming from:

You may not agree, but you will understand my frame of reference.

I hate to say it, but the way Democracy is bantied about today, it has almost become a dirty word. It does not mean freedom or liberty anymore.

So, give me small government that sticks to their main job, whether it is processing and collecting taxes, or regulating in some sensible and reasonable fashion clean air and water. They needn't become fascist, nazi-like agencies, overzealous and obtrusive, and unreasonable, and power exercising agencies which are filled with unelected beaurucrats and deep state career ugly folks.

They will please me just fine if they perform their functions, serve the people, not crush them, and do what is needed, not what they want to do necessarily. No agendas,,,,,,just service thank you.

So, no philosophically, I don't think they need to arm up, and become brown shirt agency armies to lower the boom on citizens who are paying the taxes that employ them.

The federal government has begun to treat people, its own citizens like colonists, instead of its stakeholders and customers.
That's what the original tea party was all about. Rebellion against taxation with no representation and the usurping of individual liberty and abuse of power by the King and parliament far far away from the colonies......sounds like Washington D.C.?

To some extent, this has begun again. Thank goodness we have checks and balances and courts in our government or it would have already gone completely south.

I'm not against law enforcement. I am for it 100% and then some, just at the right level with the right amount of enforcement and as local as possible. I am also very much against waste.....and what I see is tremendous inefficiency and waste in the federal government. Where are my tax dollars going and why?

You and I just very very different beliefs, ideas, and world views. Its likely to stay that way.
Sounds like you and I could be great friends!

Not sure how this guy is a team member being so far left! But looking at all of his posts this is all he does.
Here's our future IRS.
Armed and dangerous, bout like Arnold in the Terminator, but w Bandoliers like Pancho Villa.....

87,000 added IRS agents, ironically more than the whole US Border Patrol.

And there are only 187,000 U.S. marines in the whole Marine Corp.

Reckon they will take time away fro audits and such to defend us from the Chinese or Russians?

We should be spending our money on the U.S. Military and its readiness.

Instead we get Pancho Arnold Terminator Auditor from the IRS.....

Just Wonderful......


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Here's our future IRS.
Armed and dangerous, bout like Arnold in the Terminator, but w Bandoliers like Pancho Villa.....

87,000 added IRS agents, ironically more than the whole US Border Patrol.

And there are only 187,000 U.S. marines in the whole Marine Corp.

Reckon they will take time away fro audits and such to defend us from the Chinese or Russians?

We should be spending our money on the U.S. Military and its readiness.

Instead we get Pancho Arnold Terminator Auditor from the IRS.....

Just Wonderful......
Yep fantastic ******** by a worthless president and legislature! Not to mention they will be part of a union who will demand they donate a certain amount of their salary (I.e. our tax dollars) to a Democrat and that they vote Democrat as well!

If you WEREN'T trying to destroy the country….what would you do differently?!!!

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