A praise item/cause for thanksgiving


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2019
Saskatchewan, Canada
Just wanted to share with the community here something I'm thankful for. It's easy to only talk about what goes wrong but sometimes things go right even when it's all wrong.

Last week I got to stay at my dads for 3 nights, do some deer hunting, and enjoy visiting with my father. The whole time I was worried. He plainly wasn't well. But he had already seen the doctor and had tests
Done two months ago, didn't really know what else to do. Had lots of short of breath moments and feeling tired and sick. Figured it was just his high blood pressure getting out of hand.

On Tuesday my dad had a massive heart attack, of the variety commonly known as a "widowmaker".

We knew it was bad when he called my sister and straight up said "I'm not okay". He's never admitted that once in his life before. She rightly told him to hang up and call 911 NOW! (The ambulance driver told them when old farmers or hard industrial workers call 911 they take it extra serious cuz those guys just don't call for help).

They caught all this in time. He's gonna be okay. But that artery that's involved in widowmaker heart attacks was over 95 percent blocked by the time they put the stent in. Where he lives is half an hiur
To a hospital and 3 hours to a major one.

He came out of this with only 1/16 damage to his heart. If he had waited a few hours before calling he'd probably be dead or a vegetable but he's back to his old self again, hes got more spring in his step than he has the last 2 years and his face just looks brighter.

That's about as good as it's possible for something like this to go and I'm thankful. God is good. And so are people (it's easy to forget that, but there's a lot more good people out there than there are rotten ones, and he was treated just wonderfully by everyone responsible for his care throughout this).

He's 73 and the doc tells him now that they caught this and have a plan going forward he can expect to have good years ahead :)
Just wanted to share with the community here something I'm thankful for. It's easy to only talk about what goes wrong but sometimes things go right even when it's all wrong.

Last week I got to stay at my dads for 3 nights, do some deer hunting, and enjoy visiting with my father. The whole time I was worried. He plainly wasn't well. But he had already seen the doctor and had tests
Done two months ago, didn't really know what else to do. Had lots of short of breath moments and feeling tired and sick. Figured it was just his high blood pressure getting out of hand.

On Tuesday my dad had a massive heart attack, of the variety commonly known as a "widowmaker".

We knew it was bad when he called my sister and straight up said "I'm not okay". He's never admitted that once in his life before. She rightly told him to hang up and call 911 NOW! (The ambulance driver told them when old farmers or hard industrial workers call 911 they take it extra serious cuz those guys just don't call for help).

They caught all this in time. He's gonna be okay. But that artery that's involved in widowmaker heart attacks was over 95 percent blocked by the time they put the stent in. Where he lives is half an hiur
To a hospital and 3 hours to a major one.

He came out of this with only 1/16 damage to his heart. If he had waited a few hours before calling he'd probably be dead or a vegetable but he's back to his old self again, hes got more spring in his step than he has the last 2 years and his face just looks brighter.

That's about as good as it's possible for something like this to go and I'm thankful. God is good. And so are people (it's easy to forget that, but there's a lot more good people out there than there are rotten ones, and he was treated just wonderfully by everyone responsible for his care throughout this).

He's 73 and the doc tells him now that they caught this and have a plan going forward he can expect to have good years ahead :)
Yep, God IS good.
Also a good wake up call to not assume everything's fine if you don't feel good. I used to pastor and seen this a dozen times probably…typical wiry old farmer, lived a physically active life, never smoked, never been even remotely overweight, healthy and strong as an ox much later in life than many folks…until one day they're just really not okay. Thank God he called!
Just wanted to share with the community here something I'm thankful for. It's easy to only talk about what goes wrong but sometimes things go right even when it's all wrong.

Last week I got to stay at my dads for 3 nights, do some deer hunting, and enjoy visiting with my father. The whole time I was worried. He plainly wasn't well. But he had already seen the doctor and had tests
Done two months ago, didn't really know what else to do. Had lots of short of breath moments and feeling tired and sick. Figured it was just his high blood pressure getting out of hand.

On Tuesday my dad had a massive heart attack, of the variety commonly known as a "widowmaker".

We knew it was bad when he called my sister and straight up said "I'm not okay". He's never admitted that once in his life before. She rightly told him to hang up and call 911 NOW! (The ambulance driver told them when old farmers or hard industrial workers call 911 they take it extra serious cuz those guys just don't call for help).

They caught all this in time. He's gonna be okay. But that artery that's involved in widowmaker heart attacks was over 95 percent blocked by the time they put the stent in. Where he lives is half an hiur
To a hospital and 3 hours to a major one.

He came out of this with only 1/16 damage to his heart. If he had waited a few hours before calling he'd probably be dead or a vegetable but he's back to his old self again, hes got more spring in his step than he has the last 2 years and his face just looks brighter.

That's about as good as it's possible for something like this to go and I'm thankful. God is good. And so are people (it's easy to forget that, but there's a lot more good people out there than there are rotten ones, and he was treated just wonderfully by everyone responsible for his care throughout this).

He's 73 and the doc tells him now that they caught this and have a plan going forward he can expect to have good years ahead :)
Thats GREAT that you dad made it through and wish him many more years to come. Praise Jesus and Cherrish the time you have with your dad.
My dad had several heart attacks, quad bybass and was having one of his heart valves replaced and didn't make it through the operation. He was 73. I think about him every day and all the times we hunted together. He got me addicted to shooting at the age of "5".
Thats GREAT that you dad made it through and wish him many more years to come. Praise Jesus and Cherrish the time you have with your dad.
My dad had several heart attacks, quad bybass and was having one of his heart valves replaced and didn't make it through the operation. He was 73. I think about him every day and all the times we hunted together. He got me addicted to shooting at the age of "5".
I was very thankful to have some
Time with him last week. In the last 5 years we've had four kids, to say nothing of work and the masters degree I've been perusing. Haven't had much time. Was good to just sit at the table drinking coffee/tea with my dad again like old times when life was simpler
God is good all the time! So glad to hear your father is physically restored and you have more time with him. I lost my father about this time a year ago. He was 87 and in his words "I'm wore out". But praise to God that he was able to say he knew Jesus and Jesus had saved him.