I have the following parts sitting around from a build. All are from a 30-06 1949 UU date code on barrel.
721 stock $50 no cracks, not cut for receiver sight, mismatched sling swivels, has a recoil pad that could use replacing.
Bottom metal with screws and rear spacer blueing a little thin $50
Barrel 24 inch 30-06 $50 bright bore, finish is good with a little pitting near the front sight, sights are complete with rear elevator.
All prices include shipping and PayPal fees, I will accept checks and postal money orders as well checks will be held 10 days.
Offers and Trades considered, and pictures are available via E-mail
721 stock $50 no cracks, not cut for receiver sight, mismatched sling swivels, has a recoil pad that could use replacing.
Bottom metal with screws and rear spacer blueing a little thin $50
Barrel 24 inch 30-06 $50 bright bore, finish is good with a little pitting near the front sight, sights are complete with rear elevator.
All prices include shipping and PayPal fees, I will accept checks and postal money orders as well checks will be held 10 days.
Offers and Trades considered, and pictures are available via E-mail