6.5 creedmoor / 127 Barnes LRX ?


Active Member
Jan 3, 2014
Hello All- I recently had a fairly custom rifle built.... Trued rem action, 26" #4 Bartlien Barrel 5r (match reamer/tight Sammi chamber), Boyd's stock with adjustable cheek piece, factory bottom metal, timney set to 3 lbs. This is a hunting rig for my daughter, and something for me to play with. So I purchased 3 boxes of hornandy ammo to acquire brass, do the break in and start playing with. It did very well with both the 129 sst's and the 143 eldx bullets. I acquired a set of the widen dies to try and have a bunch of 210m primers. So the question is that I have 100 of the 127 LRX bullets and was looking at running ladders with rel17 and h4350. Could I get some preference to performance from anyone here? Also any pet load information regarding the 6.5 creedmoor. I'm not by any means locked down to the LRX, just have a few looking for a home. As always.... Great site and Thanks a Bunch!
Hello All- I recently had a fairly custom rifle built.... Trued rem action, 26" #4 Bartlien Barrel 5r (match reamer/tight Sammi chamber), Boyd's stock with adjustable cheek piece, factory bottom metal, timney set to 3 lbs. This is a hunting rig for my daughter, and something for me to play with. So I purchased 3 boxes of hornandy ammo to acquire brass, do the break in and start playing with. It did very well with both the 129 sst's and the 143 eldx bullets. I acquired a set of the widen dies to try and have a bunch of 210m primers. So the question is that I have 100 of the 127 LRX bullets and was looking at running ladders with rel17 and h4350. Could I get some preference to performance from anyone here? Also any pet load information regarding the 6.5 creedmoor. I'm not by any means locked down to the LRX, just have a few looking for a home. As always.... Great site and Thanks a Bunch!

Don't want to hijack your thread, but....

I don't have a Creedmoor but do love that 127 grainer. It will work for you out far enough to let your 143 EldX slow down so they will not disintegrate on impact and then you can switch to them.
Hello wildcater- what chambering are you running the 127's? My 6.5x 284 rig loves the 140 Bergers, but the velocity/energy really falls off unless your punching pare with the creed. I am purely into this for as accurate a hunting rifle guy I can be. Lots to learn. Thanks for the quick reply.

My wildcat is really close to a .264 Win Mag. The reason I used this instead of a .264 is the .264 has a .532" head and the one I have measures .495". It is a 9.3x64 Brenneke on the twenty-six ounce six lug Weatherby Mark V.

The one on the left is a factory case. Next it is necked down and third is the hydro-formed ready for loading. No fire forming necessary.

I have a Browning X Bolt 6.5 Creedmoor that will shoot the Sierra 120 gr Pro Hunter pretty good.


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I hunt with this exact same set up.......you'll like the H4350 better IMO.....I'd start about 41.5 gr and work up, depending on the lot I can get upwards of 43.0gr and just under 2900fps from my 22" barrel. The LRX hammers to about 600 yds then the Bergers and Horndady ELD's take over but the 127 LRX will reliably preform.....I've taken 2 coues bucks with this set combo.....if your going past 600 by design then I'd choose something more than the creedmoor.
Great information! Thank you. I have read all over to run the h4350.... Occasionally I bump into threads out there where guys get a little more zip from the rel17..... Not that's it's a huge concern. On a side note have you ever tried any retumbo? Does one hell of a job in my 6.5x284.
Wildcater- thanks for reply and pics. New guy question is where does that wildcat end up on the the velocity/ energy chart? I can only reference to a one off 6.5x 284 I did last year for deer whacking! Love it..... Though many people tried to sway me towards a 6.5 06. I have reloaded for years but I quickly realized I was a novice. Hunting in the state of Wi. Rarely warrants a shot over 100 yards. Now I'm completely down the rabbit hole and digging it! I was just a bit reluctant on the wildcats... But I haven't bought box ammo in yrs. so I guess it wouldn't matter. Thanks Cory

Here's the beginning of this wildcat shooting. The barrel is 26" long.

4/21/15 Started with G.S.Custom HV106 bullets, Federal 215 Magnum primers and H4831. I used two chronographs:
Chrony Oehler 33
68.0 – 3,541 3,567
69.0 - 3,583 3,607
70.0 - 3,694 3,722
71.0 - 3,757 3,787
72.0 - 3,816 3,848

The load with 72.0 grains produced a faint plunger mark. There was absolutely no bolt lift resistance increase as the velocity went up.

Then I tried some Nolser 140 Ballistic Tips with RL33 and Federal 215 Primer. I used only the Oehler 33 this time.
72.0 - 3232
73.0 - 3245
74.0 - 3324
75.0 - 3331 bolt was slightly sticky

I will try 73.5 for a group.
Wildcater- thanks for reply and pics. New guy question is where does that wildcat end up on the the velocity/ energy chart? I can only reference to a one off 6.5x 284 I did last year for deer whacking! Love it..... Though many people tried to sway me towards a 6.5 06. I have reloaded for years but I quickly realized I was a novice. Hunting in the state of Wi. Rarely warrants a shot over 100 yards. Now I'm completely down the rabbit hole and digging it! I was just a bit reluctant on the wildcats... But I haven't bought box ammo in yrs. so I guess it wouldn't matter. Thanks Cory

If your shots are rarely over 100 yards and you're using a 6.5 CM I would think that the Sierra 120 gr. PH bullet or the Hornady 123 gr. SST would work on deer as well as the more expensive bullets. I live in N.E. PA. and my shots are mostly under 100 yards too and all I've ever used is the Sierra bullets and never lost a deer.
You'll get More speed with RL-17 but much more temp instability as well .....your pet load developed in late summer / early fall will drop 70 fps when you shoot it at an animal in late November......don't waste your time. Stick with H4350, I shoot th CM competitively around 4–5k per year and have found nothing better. I did once try H1000 by accident, shot well but -300fps slower velocity wise, I'd suspect retumbo fall into that to slow category as well.

Good luck
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