406 precision's Royal Tine Long Range Shooting School


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2013
South West Montana

We have had quite a few inquires about our shooting schools so we thought we would just post the general info here. Private classes both individual and group are also available and there is a lot more info on our website about our services. If you have any questions feel free to contact us either through pm or by email or phone.

406 Precision was born out of collective interest in long range shooting and hunting. It is our goal to provide beginners and intermediate hunters with the foundation for accurate and ethical long range shots.

406 Precision and Royal Tines have partnered up to create a one of a kind shooting school. The class is aimed at the hunter or shooter who would like to learn to use his or her current equipment to its’ fullest potential. Our goal is to take the student and their equipment to their maximum effective range both at the range and in the field.

We have created a three day long range shooting course to be held at Royal Tines Guide School in beautiful Philipsburg, MT. The course will include meals and lodging in a hunting camp atmosphere.

Students will receive a mix of classroom and field shooting experience throughout their stay.

Areas to be covered in class include proper rifle set-up, creation of custom drop charts, proper shooting form, information on field set-up and collecting environmental data, terminal ballistics, and much more.
Students will participate in field shooting experience’s that mimic real hunting set-ups and are encouraged to bring lots of ammo!
We encourage you to bring your own equipment capable of shooting out to 800-1000 yards , if you do not have an adequate system we will be providing a limited number of rifles for each class.

Lady’s we have accommodation’s available for you as well and we encourage you to come out and hone your long range skills as well.
For more information Contact 406 Precision or Royal Tines
406 Precision was born out of collective interest in long range shooting and hunting. It is our goal to provide beginners and intermediate hunters with the foundation for accurate and ethical long range shots.

406 Precision and Royal Tines have partnered up to create a one of a kind shooting school. The class is aimed at the hunter or shooter who would like to learn to use his or her current equipment to its’ fullest potential. Our goal is to take the student and their equipment to their maximum effective range both at the range and in the field.

We have created a three day long range shooting course to be held at Royal Tines Guide School in beautiful Philipsburg, MT. The course will include meals and lodging in a hunting camp atmosphere.

Students will receive a mix of classroom and field shooting experience throughout their stay.

Areas to be covered in class include proper rifle set-up, creation of custom drop charts, proper shooting form, information on field set-up and collecting environmental data, terminal ballistics, and much more.
Students will participate in field shooting experience’s that mimic real hunting set-ups and are encouraged to bring lots of ammo!
We encourage you to bring your own equipment capable of shooting out to 800-1000 yards , if you do not have an adequate system we will be providing a limited number of rifles for each class.

Lady’s we have accommodation’s available for you as well and we encourage you to come out and hone your long range skills as well.
For more information Contact 406 Precision or Royal Tines
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Still a few spots available for 2014 spring 406's royal tine shooting classes.
The royal tine classes are a perfect fit for those of you looking to strech your distances out and get some practical shooting experiance in real life shooting positions on a beautiful ranch.

The dutch oven elk roast and cobbler is reason enough to attend.

Don't forget to take advantage of our 10% military and law enforcement discounts.
The cost for the Royal Tine's class is 1250.00 for three days. Keep in mind this includes on site lodging and meals in a hunting camp atmosphere, and some of the best cooking around.

The time around the campfire spent jawwing about the days events and topics is worth the price of admission:D

There will be numerous in class competitions and shooting scenerios.

If you can't make it to a Royal Tine class we also offer private classes by appointment at our location our yours.

Thanks for all the interest and we look forward to talking with you about your long range goals.

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