G gearguywb Well-Known Member LRH Supporter Joined May 7, 2020 Messages 769 Location KC Sep 27, 2023 #1 Long shot, but anyone have a 375 (either Ruger or HH) in the Ruger Guide rifles that they need to re-home?
Long shot, but anyone have a 375 (either Ruger or HH) in the Ruger Guide rifles that they need to re-home?
I iShoot17 Well-Known Member Joined May 4, 2011 Messages 624 Location Southwest Pennsylvania Sep 28, 2023 #2 Are you solely looking for a guide rifle, or would entertain other Ruger 375 Rugers?
G gearguywb Well-Known Member LRH Supporter Joined May 7, 2020 Messages 769 Location KC Sep 28, 2023 #3 Either the guide rifle or the Alaskan (since that's where it is shortly going). 375 or 338. There are a number of guide rifles in 338 on GB. My pull the trigger on one today
Either the guide rifle or the Alaskan (since that's where it is shortly going). 375 or 338. There are a number of guide rifles in 338 on GB. My pull the trigger on one today
I iShoot17 Well-Known Member Joined May 4, 2011 Messages 624 Location Southwest Pennsylvania Sep 28, 2023 #4 Unfortunately, I can't help ya with either of those variants. I have an M77 Hawkeye African I have been debating letting go which is why I asked. Good luck on your hunt and enjoy Alaska!
Unfortunately, I can't help ya with either of those variants. I have an M77 Hawkeye African I have been debating letting go which is why I asked. Good luck on your hunt and enjoy Alaska!