300 RUM w/ RL-33 Berger 215 Hybrids


New Member
Aug 8, 2015
Looking for a little help. I was wondering if anyone else has been experimenting with this combo? I have played around with it a bit and haven't settled on a final load for my gun which is a Remington 700 Long Range w a 26" barrel and a APA Little Bastard brake topped with a Nightforce 5x25 ATACR. Any info/advice would be much appreciated.

So far it seems like pressure hasn't been much of a issue. Extractor marks don't start to show till 100 grains.
Don't have a 300 RUM, but I use RL-33 with my 338 RUM.

Overall it seems to be a great powder. The trick to using it successfully appears to be using it with a very small jump (.010" or smaller), or even a slight interference into the rifling. The higher pressure associate with a small jump or a jammed bullet gets the powder burning more consistently and quite a few guys have noticed poor performance, specifically extreme spread, for bullets seated with a large jump.

There is a very lengthy thread that goes through this. Lots of info, but worth the read if you want to use RL33.

Thanks for the info! I will totally check it out. Right now I am currently running .010 off the lands. This weekend I am going out to do some ladder testing starting at 98.7 grains then 99 and 99.3, 99.6, 99.9 and finally 100.2. The velocity with those loads is running from 2980 to about 3100.
What type of velocities are you getting and load are you running out of your 338 Rum? My shooting buddy has a 338 Edge and has been toying with the idea of trying out the RL-33 in his rifle. He currently uses H1000
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