Well-Known Member
Because of weight, size, and hazmat this will be pickup local in Dallas, Texas area only.
I have over $1500 invested however just don't have the time and it's all been sitting here for a year untouched. So my loss. I loaded 30 rounds on setup when I got it and now just taking up room..
Everything is 20ga
Mec Sizemaster
Super Crown Crimper installed (factory crimper included)
1950+ New Rio Primed Hulls 2 3/4 10mm
4000 Rio Primers
5000 Bush Wads
2000 20-L Wads
4000+ Overshot Cards
2 jars Mica Wad Slick
Rio Printed Load Data Manual
150lbs #8 Lead Shot
25lbs #7.5 Lead Shot
Everything $1000.00 if interested I will send pictures.
I have over $1500 invested however just don't have the time and it's all been sitting here for a year untouched. So my loss. I loaded 30 rounds on setup when I got it and now just taking up room..
Everything is 20ga
Mec Sizemaster
Super Crown Crimper installed (factory crimper included)
1950+ New Rio Primed Hulls 2 3/4 10mm
4000 Rio Primers
5000 Bush Wads
2000 20-L Wads
4000+ Overshot Cards
2 jars Mica Wad Slick
Rio Printed Load Data Manual
150lbs #8 Lead Shot
25lbs #7.5 Lead Shot
Everything $1000.00 if interested I will send pictures.
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